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Deer Hunting is Actually Fun


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Munford, TN
For years I've just been a trophy hunter. I rarely fire a shot and was getting really bored with deer hunting. I just wasn't having any fun. This season rolled around and I started hunting as usual.

November 18th I had a buck in a thicket, had to make a quick decision and made a mistake. I killed a 6 point. Even though I was mad at myself for making a mistake and killing a small buck, I had to admit that it was fun actually shooting my gun and killing something.
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December 1st I was at my other club which is a "brown and down" club. Hunting with these guys is like hunting in the late 80's. Doesn't matter what you kill, everybody is happy for you and any kill is celebrated. After watching 2 small bucks earlier a young 8 point comes out. It's a buck I wouldn't normally kill, but what the heck. I kill him. Again, I kinda wish I wouldn't have shot him, but have to admit it was fun!

December 8th I'm back at my main club. We have a very mature 7 point I have been wanting to kill for a couple years. He's a brute and he's apparently breeding all the does. We have several young 7 points running around with racks just like his but smaller. 7 minutes before the end of legal shooting time a buck steps into an opening. I thought it was "the Big 7" so I killed him. I get to him and it's not him, but one of his offspring. I'm slightly disappointed that it's not the big 7, but happy with him, and it was fun!
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Now I am questioning everything I've know for years. Maybe I'm not a trophy hunter. Maybe I'm a brown and downer. All I know is for the first time in years I've actually had fun and instead of pondering quitting deer hunting, I can't wait to get back in the woods. I know my goal will always be a trophy bucks worthy of a shoulder mount, and I'll probably never shoot another 6 point or small 8 point, but my perspective has changed. Good luck the rest of the season, and remember, deer hunting is supposed to be fun!
For years I've just been a trophy hunter. I rarely fire a shot and was getting really bored with deer hunting. I just wasn't having any fun. This season rolled around and I started hunting as usual.

November 18th I had a buck in a thicket, had to make a quick decision and made a mistake. I killed a 6 point. Even though I was mad at myself for making a mistake and killing a small buck, I had to admit that it was fun actually shooting my gun and killing something.
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December 1st I was at my other club which is a "brown and down" club. Hunting with these guys is like hunting in the late 80's. Doesn't matter what you kill, everybody is happy for you and any kill is celebrated. After watching 2 small bucks earlier a young 8 point comes out. It's a buck I wouldn't normally kill, but what the heck. I kill him. Again, I kinda wish I wouldn't have shot him, but have to admit it was fun!
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December 8th I'm back at my main club. We have a very mature 7 point I have been wanting to kill for a couple years. He's a brute and he's apparently breeding all the does. We have several young 7 points running around with racks just like his but smaller. 7 minutes before the end of legal shooting time a buck steps into an opening. I thought it was "the Big 7" so I killed him. I get to him and it's not him, but one of his offspring. I'm slightly disappointed that it's not the big 7, but happy with him, and it was fun!
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Now I am questioning everything I've know for years. Maybe I'm not a trophy hunter. Maybe I'm a brown and downer. All I know is for the first time in years I've actually had fun and instead of pondering quitting deer hunting, I can't wait to get back in the woods. I know my goal will always be a trophy bucks worthy of a shoulder mount, and I'll probably never shoot another 6 point or small 8 point, but my perspective has changed. Good luck the rest of the season, and remember, deer hunting is supposed to be fun!
Why are so many people taking something fun and putting so much emphasis on x, y, z instead of the experience? IMHO this would not be an issue were it not for social media. If you hunt, you need to know your "why". If it is for trophy only and you have guidelines, then fine or if you are hunting just to be able to say "i got an x, y, z" and that's fun for you, great. Just know your "why". If not, what should be a fun tradition will not be that for you. Congrats on the buck and hope you did have fun and continue!
Congrats man. I killed 3 deer this year and that's the most in a very long time. Most of the time I'm holding out for a 140" plus and might kill a doe later on if I haven't killed a buck. I killed a doe during rifle for summer sausage. It was very nice walking 300 yards out back and taking the tractor to load her up. 1 week later I killed a 130'' 11 pt. By far not my biggest but I didn't care as it was my biggest body deer I've ever killed and a fully mature buck. Killed a doe last week with my mz. The late Ky mz has always been my favorite time to hunt. I didn't kill the buck I was really after (155''+) but I still had a great season and most importantly I've had fun this year. I know it's just a coincidence but this year I killed all of my deer on a Wednesday.
To me deer hunting is the trophy, to be able to do it. The memory of it and the kill no matter what you take. For me it is the reason for the kill. The biggest reason is food or to donate the food, then there is always something during the hunt that makes me pull the trigger.
There is two bucks that I will never kill a spike and 4pt. Why because I lost my son when he was 14. I asked one day while hunting lord and Son if your with me hunting let a spike walk in, I never will shoot one again.Why well With in 5 minutes there stood a spike looking right at me 20 yards., he stood there looking at me then turned and walked off. The 4pt walks because was having a rough year after loosing my mom, missing her and I said Lord show me a 4pt to let me know my mom is ok. No sooner I said that and stopped the tears a 4 pt came in.
Now some may think that's crazy but for me it was so real. I have not shot either buck since that happen.

I always ask the good Lord to show me if they are with me and he never fails to show me and I mean with in usually in minutes it happens.

Hunt for fun and remember any deer taken is a trophy no matter if it is food for you and your family or you donate to another family in need. Never be ashamed of what you have taken.

Have a blessed and fun hunt and be safe.
I pray that there never comes a day I wouldn't shoot every single one of those deer you shot, or ones even smaller. Honestly I find deer hunting to be the most boring hunting of them all. Sitting still in a tree for 3-4 hours? It's the worst. The only thing that could make it worse is seeing deer that I don't shoot because I'm worried what others may think, even though that meat could be filling up my freezer. And like @themanpcl said, social media has created that.

So I'll kill every deer I see that's legal, except a spotted fawn. I just like venison. You better believe I'm a "brown and down" guy and nobody in the world could ever make me feel bad for that. Younger bucks are my favorite. Bigger than a doe, but still tender. And they're dumb, too, so they're easier to kill.
Congratulations on the deer! When you stop enjoying every aspect of the hunt, it just becomes a chore in my eyes. I enjoy the hunt but enjoy the kill and the processing of the meat too. I've killed some decent bucks but never considered myself a trophy hunter and honestly wouldn't enjoy it as much without the occasional kill. It made you happy, you got meat and that's what it's all about.
I started as a brown & down hunter and loved hunting even in years without a harvest. I loved scouting, even mentally mapped trails and funnels.
When I changed careers in 2013 I was fortunate enough and so excited to take on property management with a focus on quality buck hunting. I have become consumed by my love for everything but the kill. Have not hunted a day this year but keep stands and blinds at ready and am excited for late season for the first time.
I have over the last 10 years recovered hundreds of deer including a couple dozen real trophies and dressed way too many. I spend hours working out food plots, seed, hinge cut or girdling areas, sanctuary improvements, soil conservation and building and I love it. I have the gift of visualization and sometimes a real deer will interrupt my mental planning. My hunters have (except one) all had successful seasons in a very challenging year. The one hold out is betting everything on a super 8 trophy and will likely get skunked. This week I will order seed and maybe go mow some fire breaks and run a few DP traps and relocate some cameras cause that's what I love and yes it is fun!
I learned a few years back that it was more fun to shoot than watch. So, I shoot the first one I like, then a couple of does, then hold out for a trophy if there is one to be had. I spent years after only older bucks and ate far too many tags. I have no idea how much longer I can keep going, so I want every season to be as much fun as possible. Congrats on your season!
I will also add that I enjoy just as much or better the prep work that comes with it. I love spending time mowing, planting food plots, scouting, hanging stands, etc. Having a 1 buck rule in my state I'll always be a trophy hunter so to speak but the other stuff keeps me happy even when I don't kill a buck. I only average a buck every 3 years it seems. Been like that the last 12 years or so. I killed my biggest in 2020 and a buck this year. Maybe it won't take until 2026 to get another.
Great to hear stories about the love of the hunt and having fun!
I too went through the "cycle" Brown is down, trophy guy....jaded and discouraged, to lets have fun again.
A buddy recently asked "what are you hunting for? 8 pt or better? Outside the ears? Bigger than your best? "
My answer. "depends on how I feel. One day it might be giants only, the next might be brown is down if the mood is on me. Whatever will be fun and bring some joy. Some hunts I don't really want to shoot anything. " Dude looked at me like I had 2 heads.
I almost never leave the woods disappointed (unless I make a bad shot). Kill, no kill, don't see a deer.... its all good now that I don't give a flip what anybody else thinks of my hunting "score". I would much rather shoot any deer on a "perfect" hunting day, than a nice buck on a boring hunt, or to try to impress anybody.
Unless you are in the media selling a show, At the end of the day, NOBODY cares about the deer you kill so why not focus on having fun ?
For years I've just been a trophy hunter. I rarely fire a shot and was getting really bored with deer hunting. I just wasn't having any fun. This season rolled around and I started hunting as usual.

Now I am questioning everything I've know for years. Maybe I'm not a trophy hunter. Maybe I'm a brown and downer. All I know is for the first time in years I've actually had fun and instead of pondering quitting deer hunting, I can't wait to get back in the woods.

Fantastic post Spurhunter. I went through the same thing. I was a "trophy" hunter (actually, a mature buck hunter) for a number of years. It wasn't because of social media (which I've never used), but a limitation I placed on myself simply to prove to myself that I could be successful at it. And I was. But I also realized it had taken the fun out of hunting. When I was successful, instead of being thrilled, I was just relieved - relieved that I hadn't failed. Once I quit being a trophy hunter, the fun was back in hunting. I now enjoy hunting more than I ever did.

Just because you enjoyed killing some bucks that weren't trophies doesn't mean you a "brown-and-downer." It just means that the stresses of trophy hunting aren't the experience you're looking for. Everyone needs to determine what brings them the most happiness from hunting. For some it will be a years-long pursuit of a particular buck. For some it will be killing a couple of decent bucks. Others will be thrilled killing any deer. Different strokes for different folks, and the deer woods are big enough for everyone.
If it ain't fun ya gotta find something else to do. I want to shoot them as bad as the next guy but we just don't eat them and have nobody that wants them so I've relegated myself to big bucks and somewhat of a trophy hunter. Regardless of where you are in the deer hunting world if it ain't fun then it's time for a change.
Deer hunting is about what you make of it, which is why I don't really put myself into any categories of types of deer hunter, I am just a deer hunter. And every year is different, especially on a small property.

Good to hear you are back to having fun. Congratulations on a great season.

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