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If you have not burned

Greenbrier, pokeweed, blackberry, ragweed, partridge pea, muscadine and on and on and. TONS of food like we've never had on the farm before. Really like how things are shaping up.

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I'm jealous!!! That looks great. I had tricopyr out spraying tree of heaven all weekend, sweating my arse off, wishing I could just burn them out. But terrain is just too steep and remote to confidently control a burn.
I'm jealous!!! That looks great. I had tricopyr out spraying tree of heaven all weekend, sweating my arse off, wishing I could just burn them out. But terrain is just too steep and remote to confidently control a burn.
Tree of heaven root suckers like crazy. If you burn it you'll top kill it and be overrun by 100s of sprouts
Tree of heaven root suckers like crazy. If you burn it you'll top kill it and be overrun by 100s of sprouts

That's what I'm dealing with right now. Forester and I hack-n-squirt several a couple years ago. Last year I sprayed a few stragglers that popped back up. Then this year they came back with a vengeance. Luckily it's all small so I could just spray each one, hoping I didn't miss any. Next year I'm hoping it's just maintenance. I knew going in to it that it would be a many year battle. Sucks but it has to be done.
That does NOT sound fun!

It's not. I spent three days bent over in the heat spraying every little sprout that even remotely looked like it could be one.

Have you tried basal oil in the winter?

Sort of??? The first treatment and the hack-n-squirt was done with triclopyr concentrate mixed with diesel and blue dye. Second year was pre-mix ready to use triclopyr because no hacking was necessary on such small plants. That's also what I used this year and the stems have already dropped over with leaves wilting, so maybe it'll work? If it comes back strong again I'm going to use concentrate with diesel again and just keep hammering until it no longer comes back. I've been following direction from both state and hired consulting forester. They both agree triclopyr is the best chemical to use and both warned me it's going to be an uphill battle.

Luckily I've only got a few small outbreaks so not as bad as it could be. I've already successfully eliminated a couple of areas.....I think. Unfortunately it thrives in freshly disturbed areas with sunlight so I've got to be very careful when doing TSI or bedding cuts. Can't just cut an opening and leave it be to regenerate. It's like having herpes of the woods lol.
Greenbrier, pokeweed, blackberry, ragweed, partridge pea, muscadine and on and on and. TONS of food like we've never had on the farm before. Really like how things are shaping up.

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Personally, I hate Greenbriar but that is just me. It is so dense it make it very difficult to walk through some sections in my bottoms. Curious, what is that dark green clump near the lower right? Wish a good burn would get rid of all my stiltgrass.