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Who feels worse?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
The GA player that had the false start on the FG try pushing the kick back 5 yards, the kicker who missed it, the replay officials who didn't review the obvious non-catch before the half (actually $cratch them, we know why they didn't), the FSU QB whose broken leg kept them out (his tweet about the deal is heartbreaking), or the Auburn DB who allowed the WR to push him off for the miracle TD?

Had any of those happened differently, we wouldn't be in this situation.

The funny thing is that, while I didn't think it was possible, there are even more Bama haters now 😳 !

I do admit the humor in the Bammers trying to justify it is entertaining though.
The GA player that had the false start on the FG try pushing the kick back 5 yards, the kicker who missed it, the replay officials who didn't review the obvious non-catch before the half (actually $cratch them, we know why they didn't), the FSU QB whose broken leg kept them out (his tweet about the deal is heartbreaking), or the Auburn DB who allowed the WR to push him off for the miracle TD?

Had any of those happened differently, we wouldn't be in this situation.

I know right? Its almost like a miracle. ...although a lot of folks counted Alabama out back in early September.

I told yall Alabama would be OK.
Listen, I’m as a big of a Dawgs fan as there is, but there is an element of “luck” if you will to any championship season. The 4th down voodoo that Bama has performed over the past couple of games defies logic, but it keeps happening. Just part of it. Reminds me of Les Miles and LSU. Oh well…

I wish that :
-Bowers didn’t false start
-The field goal hadn’t doinked out
-The fumble inside the 15 hadn’t occurred, or that Bama had not recovered
-The fourth down conversion catch had been reviewed (spoiler: there wasn't enough to overturn the on-field call)

Were there some bad calls/no-calls against my Dawgs? Sure (blatant face mask on the RB right in front of the ref, Terion Arnold draping all over receivers all night, the “horse collar” tackle that wasn’t), but that happens every game, and Bama fans could probably point out a few that went the other way.

But they all DID happen. And UGA should have executed better on all of those, and you have to deal with bad calls every game just as much as errors by your own team. That’s football.

Remember all of the luck that UT needed in 98?
-The narrow Syracuse game
-The Arkansas fumble at the end of the game
-FSU being on their backup quarterback in the Championship game… now doesn’t that sound familiar?

Are many Bama fans classless, arrogant, and rude? Yes they are. But I’ve also been contacted by numerous classy ones that were actually quite sympathetic after the game and selection, so it’s really just the vocal minority like a few on this site that weren’t raised any better. I’ve given kudos to @Bamamonts on more than one occasion, and his class has been the kind of reaction that I have received from most of the Bama fans that I call friends (many of which actually went to UA), so I won’t let my red glasses get in the way of my judgment about how the outcomes didn’t go my way. My team (no, not THAT kind of “my team”) lost. It sucks, but life goes on.
Don’t forget the Arkansas guy that fumbled in 97 to give uT their one glimpse of hope 25 years ago. Every championship comes down to a few plays.
The GA player that had the false start on the FG try pushing the kick back 5 yards, the kicker who missed it, the replay officials who didn't review the obvious non-catch before the half (actually $cratch them, we know why they didn't), the FSU QB whose broken leg kept them out (his tweet about the deal is heartbreaking), or the Auburn DB who allowed the WR to push him off for the miracle TD?

Had any of those happened differently, we wouldn't be in this situation.

The funny thing is that, while I didn't think it was possible, there are even more Bama haters now 😳 !

I do admit the humor in the Bammers trying to justify it is entertaining though.
no you shut up GIF by Fusion


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The only one deserving is that auburn player(s). How you let someone wide open on a Hail Mary standing in the corner of the end zone is… just…. Impossible
Allow me to educate you please.
This is a Hail Mary.

THIS is a practiced play.

Let me know if you need any other clarfication on the differences I will be happy to mansplain them to you.
Listen, I'm as a big of a Dawgs fan as there is, but there is an element of "luck" if you will to any championship season. The 4th down voodoo that Bama has performed over the past couple of games defies logic, but it keeps happening. Just part of it. Reminds me of Les Miles and LSU. Oh well…

I wish that :
-Bowers didn't false start
-The field goal hadn't doinked out
-The fumble inside the 15 hadn't occurred, or that Bama had not recovered
-The fourth down conversion catch had been reviewed (spoiler: there wasn't enough to overturn the on-field call)

Were there some bad calls/no-calls against my Dawgs? Sure (blatant face mask on the RB right in front of the ref, Terion Arnold draping all over receivers all night, the "horse collar" tackle that wasn't), but that happens every game, and Bama fans could probably point out a few that went the other way.

But they all DID happen. And UGA should have executed better on all of those, and you have to deal with bad calls every game just as much as errors by your own team. That's football.

Remember all of the luck that UT needed in 98?
-The narrow Syracuse game
-The Arkansas fumble at the end of the game
-FSU being on their backup quarterback in the Championship game… now doesn't that sound familiar?

Are many Bama fans classless, arrogant, and rude? Yes they are. But I've also been contacted by numerous classy ones that were actually quite sympathetic after the game and selection, so it's really just the vocal minority like a few on this site that weren't raised any better. I've given kudos to @Bamamonts on more than one occasion, and his class has been the kind of reaction that I have received from most of the Bama fans that I call friends (many of which actually went to UA), so I won't let my red glasses get in the way of my judgment about how the outcomes didn't go my way. My team (no, not THAT kind of "my team") lost. It sucks, but life goes on.
Well said. All fan bases have good and bad fans.

Both teams are good and small mistakes can end up making the difference. When Bama/UGA play you know it’s going to be a dog fight.
Georgia played a great game. Next year in BDS will be huge.
@EastTNHunter summed it up nicely.

If a specific play had been different during the game, it would not necessarily lead to a different winner of the game. Things would have gone differently, but if a play had turned out different, every play afterwards would have been different with different field positions and possessions; there is no telling where it would lead. People look at the points difference and make an assumption that everything else in the game would have gone exactly the same except for one play they select as having a different result.

When Georgia kept chopping into Alabama's double-digit leads in the 2nd half, Alabama's offense answered with drives and scores.
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@EastTNHunter summed it up nicely.

If a specific play had been different during the game, it would not necessarily lead to a different winner of the game. Things would have gone differently, but if a play had turned out different, every play afterwards would have been different with different field positions and possessions; there is no telling where it would lead. People look at the points difference and make an assumption that everything else in the game would have gone exactly the same except for one play they select as having a different result.

When Georgia kept chopping into Alabama's double-digit leads in the 2nd half, Alabama's offense answered with drives and scores.

And I've always said that if a team is playing in such a way that one penalty, or bad call or a missed call costs you the game. You simply weren't trying hard enough. In other words, points negate a lot of the deficiencies of a team or questionable calls.

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