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Nov 19, 1999
So I have kind of a thing for 10-22s.
I realized I didn't have a "regular" wood / blued.
Snatched this one up a couple weeks ago and got it yesterday.
Now to mount some glass on it.

10/22's aren't sexy but they're fun to shoot and always go bang.

@DaveTN try and stay on topic please. Changing the subject to distract from the OP is childish and uncalled for 😂
It's Rugers fault for not composing his picture properly. I would guess if he backed out a little more, the Teddy Bear he sleeps with is on the left.

Back on track now… 10-22's are great guns. Even in the plain Jane flavor, probably as accurate at those that guys spend a grand on.
So I have kind of a thing for 10-22s.
I realized I didn't have a "regular" wood / blued.
Snatched this one up a couple weeks ago and got it yesterday.
Now to mount some glass on it.

View attachment 170019
i use a floor wood gun holder in the back of closet too store my weapons than hang my gun cases on clothes hangers than hang clothes in front of all that in my closet.
There are kind of a lot of choices on how to make your 10/22 a real standout.
Microfit, Stocky's, EABCO, Volsquarten, Boyds all have some great ideas. Bring your wallet.
It's Rugers fault for not composing his picture properly. I would guess if he backed out a little more, the Teddy Bear he sleeps with is on the left.

Back on track now… 10-22's are great guns. Even in the plain Jane flavor, probably as accurate at those that guys spend a grand on.
I think it's an elephant. You know he is a Bama fan now after all.

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