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First picking!

Mud Creek

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2013
Mid TN
Got a few pickling cucumbers this morning! Not much but it's a start!

I didn't even plant squash this year. I'm regretting it, but I got a late start on everything and just didn't feel like messing with it.
Been eating salad greens for a couple months. Snow peas now and first cucumbers today.
Didn’t plant squash, the squash bugs in western Kentucky are just more trouble than I care for. I let the Amish fight them and buy my squash there.

But did finally dry up enough to plant a little sweet corn.
🤣 same here!

@Mud Creek - I'd be very happy with that. They will make for some very tasteful salads of all types

Yea I'm just waiting to have enough for pickles! Year before last I did some with a couple ghost peppers in the jar and they were amazing on a burger. They are Pick a bushel cucumbers. We have been growing them the last 3 years for pickles and they're the best I've ever had.
Been eating salad greens for a couple months. Snow peas now and first cucumbers today.
Didn't plant squash, the squash bugs in western Kentucky are just more trouble than I care for. I let the Amish fight them and buy my squash there.
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But did finally dry up enough to plant a little sweet corn.
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My corn got hammered this year after the storms. It was so bad I decided to start over. When it dried off I tilled and replanted. The second planting just didn't do nowhere near as good as the first, so now I'm torn between doing a third planting this week or just keeping what we have and most likely buying whatever else we need. I hate the thought of that because I enjoy working in the garden and having "our stuff" but corn isn't looking that good for us this year.
I usually have an awesome garden but decided this year to disc in some chichen house litter. I knew it wasn’t a good idea but i did it anyway . My peas,radishes,cukes are weak at best . The yellow squash is doing ok ,the okra is starting to overcome the rush of nitrogen . Now my sweet corn is diggin the over load of it . Putting out new ears everyday . Spraying for worms every 5 days .
The upside is next year we should be back on track
Oh well ,lesson learned again
My dad planted some cucumbers in my garden and put a cantaloupe plant in front of the cucumbers. Some of the cucumbers are orange as can be. Cross pollination?
My dad planted some cucumbers in my garden and put a cantaloupe plant in front of the cucumbers. Some of the cucumbers are orange as can be. Cross pollination?

I dont think cucumbers and cantaloupe can cross pollinate but I could be wrong. Are they bigger cucumbers or smaller ones Ike I posted? I just wonder if they were smaller in size but left on the vine to grow but got too ripe?