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Everything you wanted to know about Pronghorns


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2004
Killen, AL
First year out last year and learned my lesson on calling them antelope. Unspeakable word out west
Whys that? First time I ever hunted them was in 1995. Starting in 1999 up until about 2018 or so, I never missed a year of going ANTELOPE hunting. Nobody took offense to calling them antelope for at least 25 years, so who gets their panties in a twist over it now?
Whys that? First time I ever hunted them was in 1995. Starting in 1999 up until about 2018 or so, I never missed a year of going ANTELOPE hunting. Nobody took offense to calling them antelope for at least 25 years, so who gets their panties in a twist over it now?
They have been called antelope for practically ever. WY Game n Fish have them listed as antelope in the game laws and the scientific name literally says they are “American antelope goat”. Antilocapra americana.

I think it’s important to understand these are not African antelope and that the closet living relative to these tasty critters is likely a giraffe. But for someone to get their panties in a wad over nomenclature just means they got too much time on their hands. Maybe they should have a bourbon, or a whiskey….
snagged this picture off a Yellowstone photography Facebook page.
Honestly, I’ve never seen a new born “prairie lobster” until this picture.