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Cool finds….


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
Franklin Tn
Went looking at property Thursday and turns out it was loaded with Indian artifacts. I’m clueless on all this type stuff but I still found it all great. The Owner/ realtor was an expert on civil war history and artifacts. Here’s some pics. 57FB07B3-E715-4A03-A524-CCB6FB72927B.jpeg2D59611F-CD28-4B3B-8FE8-0B66865A862C.jpeg65A31E49-A69B-4F93-BCD9-EA1771BD10E3.jpegEFABFEA5-EDDA-4FE4-9698-1D68A8909250.jpeg
All the old ireluc hunters would usually have piles on their property in flower beds, by the house, etc. The good stuff was in the house.
Yep, my grandfather was one. Anytime he poured concrete...they got added. I honestly couldn't tell you how many 5 gallon buckets full I carried to his garden and buried... 😂
He always laughed....if anyone ever digs here, they going to think they hit they mother load.

But....what I buried was just a drop in the bucket to what was in his house... unbelievable!!
All the old ireluc hunters would usually have piles on their property in flower beds, by the house, etc. The good stuff was in the house.
My friend is like this. He has a 20x40' gravel area near his cabin on the Buffalo river and if you walk through and look down there are hundreds of partial arrowheads and various fossils he has found over the years. It's always funny when I'm there and someone new shows up and "finds" one in the gravel.:p

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