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A Waterfowl Report...fyi


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2007
Brownsville, Tennessee
FYI, waterfowl report from Avery pro-staffer Crispin Powley.

Crispin Powley Hunting Report
For the Paris, TN, Big Sandy, & KY Lake Area
Date: 12/14/09
Dates Encompassed In Report: 12/7/09 � 12/14/09
Weather Trend: Initially cold temps early last week followed by a warming trend this weekend through today. There have been a couple days of extreme wind and several days with little to no wind.

Water Conditions: The local WMA�s and rivers have been high due to recent rains but are falling out

Feeding Conditions: The push of migrating birds that came through last week during the cold weather were feeding heavily in flooded crop fields. However, as the temps have warmed, the feeding activity has decreased

Species & Numbers: We saw and harvested mainly mallards this past week. I saw an increase in pintails and green wing teal as well. We are just now starting to see an occasional group of canvasbacks and other divers

Migrations: We had a really good push of birds last week. The majority of them arrived on Tuesday evening. We are what I would consider to be �in-between� birds right now and are anxiously awaiting the next weather system to the north of us to push some birds our way.

Season Stage: Early. Second full week of season.
Hunting Report: Hunting was about as good as I�ve ever seen it here for this early in the season last week. My blind harvested over 200 ducks in the last 7 days. The hunting has dramatically declined in the past 2 days as the birds that got here last week have been heavily pressured on the WMA�s and have found food and security on local refuges and private holes that don�t receive heavy pressure.

Gossip: Supposedly there is some serious cold weather expected through Iowa and Missouri and into Illinois which should push some birds south. According to my sources, there are still many birds in those areas.

Tips Of The Week: When ducks pour into heavily hunted areas such as public areas and WMA�s, they are bound to see countless decoy spreads that look nearly identical. For this reason, I like to tie the decoy line onto the back hole on the keel of about 1/3 of my Greenhead Gear decoys. This breaks up the look of all your decoys facing the same direction. If you spend time watching ducks swimming at a refuge , they will most always be facing all different directions. This is the look that I strive to replicate with my spread as well.
Taylor said:
Gossip: Supposedly there is some serious cold weather expected through Iowa and Missouri and into Illinois which should push some birds south. According to my sources, there are still many birds in those areas.

Some of the forecast models suggest an influx of EXTREMELY cold temps about mid-week between Xmas and New Years (around Wednesday).

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