Haha just happens like that sometimes


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2007
Wilson County, TN
Long story short, I have a buddy thats never turkey hunted that wanted to get into it this year. Ive been trying to take him out and get him one but its been a challange with someone thats never turkey hunted let alone hunted in general so I have been much more cautious on set ups and movement then I normally would. We have been on birds each time but just couldnt close the deal.

well this morning I take him out, and to be honest I almost didnt even take my gun because I had ZERO intentions to shoot one. We go get set up in the dark cause we knew there was a bird in the area based on him seeing him last night. I wanted to get to a specific spot but a cow was there with a new born calf so I decided to not push her and just let her have her space. Tom started sounding off and was on the other side of the ridge but knew he would be coming this way as that is what he has seen them do the past few mornings. Sure enough he pops out in the field with 4 hens at 150yds away of course. They end up going into a ditch and I told my buddy if he really just wants to kill a turkey he could get low and run down there and shoot him over the rise of the ditch but he was on his own in doing so lol.

So he takes off down the hill and ends up being to far behind them so he just sits down to see if they come back. IN THE MEAN TIME Im just sitting under a cedar tree, legs out and gun on my lap calling and watching. Next thing I know there is a hen literally 8yds from me walking by lol. Im so caught off guard I didnt really know what to do. She passes by me at 5 yds and somehow doesnt see me. Next thing I know I see a white head pop up over the hill and come in strutting at 10yds lol. Im literally still sitting there with my gun on my lap.

I wasnt still gonna shoot him till I realized he was a different bird then the one before, I could see his beard was totally different. Eased my hand down to the gun and pulled up at shot him at 12 yds.

The best part is I have preached OVER AND OVER to my buddy the #1 rule. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS set up and be prepared to shoot no matter what cause you never know what might happen. I almost blew it not following my own rule. Was a wild hunt and this bird never gobbled once till he was right on top of me. pretty heavy bird at 23lbs and had some REALLY good spurs on him. Had beard rot really bad which is how I leaned it was a different bird then the one we saw below us.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2007
Wilson County, TN
congrats! what were his spurs?

is there any significance to the feather in front of him, or just coincidence?

had 1 1/4 spurs but had like a 2inch beard. Beard looked like someone literally took a razor blade and cut it straight across. I mean like a perfect cut. was odd looking.

no significance to the feather, just didnt get it out of the way. My buddy not only is new to hunting, is is equally new to picture taking lol.

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