Tennessee instant background check DENIED!!!

7-08 fan

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2009
Fayette County
I was Denied for no reason, nothing has changed since the last gun I purchased but for some reason I have been shot down. What do I need to do now? I appealed the denial but now what? Just wait? sorry if some of this isn't worded right but I'm extremely ticked at the moment and need to vent to somebody. :mad: :mad: :mad:


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Morgan Co
I was denied once also for no reason.Had to send in an appeal form that the gun shop gave me,I sent it in,waited a couple weeks and got a reply saying pretty much that it was a goof,and that I was ok to purchase.and a Sorry for the inconvience...

7-08 fan

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2009
Fayette County
Man I'm mad as I have ever been. I went ahead and tried to call Nashville and get someone on the phone but I never got past the automated service before getting the hold treatment for 30 minutes....its probably good they didn't answer. Nice to know my tax money is being put to good use.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2009
It is no big deal. It is just a mistake. File an appeal and send it in. If you don't hear anything in 15 days, the dealer can legally sell you the firearm. Chances are, if you went back and tried it again, you would check out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
Hendersonville Tn.
No big deal.Salesman at gun store and Tics personnel both putting in numbers.One number wrong messes up everything.

Just a little warning.Piss Tics off and you will wait for a long time.Be nice.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
Get the NTN # from the dealer that called the NICS in. Call the NICS# , reference the NTN# and tell them you want to know why you were denied. They'll mail you the info to proceed. It used to cost something close to $20 to get the "reason" They are REQUIRED to give you the reason for denial in writing.

And contrary to what others say about it not being a big deal, if you are denied based on CORRECTLY INPUT INFO and you don't get it cleared up it can certainly turn into a BIG deal later. Very possibly identity theft.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
10mm4me said:
It is no big deal. It is just a mistake. File an appeal and send it in. If you don't hear anything in 15 days, the dealer can legally sell you the firearm. Chances are, if you went back and tried it again, you would check out.

Absolutely NOT TRUE. Denied is DENIED. "Delayed" is when the dealer can (if he wants to) sell you the weapon after 72 hours of no response from NICS.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Townsend, TN
W C said:
10mm4me said:
It is no big deal. It is just a mistake. File an appeal and send it in. If you don't hear anything in 15 days, the dealer can legally sell you the firearm. Chances are, if you went back and tried it again, you would check out.

Absolutely NOT TRUE. Denied is DENIED. "Delayed" is when the dealer can (if he wants to) sell you the weapon after 72 hours of no response from NICS.

Agreed TBI has so many weeks to respond. If they don't get to the appeal then it is up to the dealer whether he wants to sell the gun or not. Most dealers won't....been there. File the appeal and wait. Also if you do have an old offense that has been expunged locally...make sure TBI has you clear. this happend to me. I jumped through all the hoops in Knoxville to get an old misdemenor off my record which worked, but the TBI still had the offense on record. During the appeal process I had to make sure Knox city sent TBI the updated record. Not an easy task.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2009
W C said:
10mm4me said:
It is no big deal. It is just a mistake. File an appeal and send it in. If you don't hear anything in 15 days, the dealer can legally sell you the firearm. Chances are, if you went back and tried it again, you would check out.

Absolutely NOT TRUE. Denied is DENIED. "Delayed" is when the dealer can (if he wants to) sell you the weapon after 72 hours of no response from NICS.
I had this happen to me. Get on the TBI site and read for yourself. I don't appreciate being called a liar either. This is straight from them...
What is a Conditional Proceed?
If during the background check TICS locates a record with outstanding disqualifying charges or charges that are undeterminable as disqualifying, TICS will deny the transaction. Upon an appeal of the denial, TICS will attempt to find disposition information on the charges in order to make a determination of eligibility to purchase a firearm. If TICS cannot obtain the information within the mandatory 15 day limit, the transaction will be marked as a Conditional Proceed. This means that the firearm dealer may lawfully, at his/her discretion, complete the transfer, although it in no way means that the dealer must complete the transfer. Should the dealer choose not to complete the transfer, your only appeal is to the FBI's NICS Appeals Services Unit. You may contact them at (304) 625-1903.

I previously tried to purchase a firearm and was denied. After I filed my appeal, the denial was overturned and I was allowed to get the firearm. Now I've tried to purchase another firearm and was denied again. What's going on?

If your previous denial was overturned, it became an approved transaction. Under existing state and federal law, TICS cannot retain any information about an approved transaction and so will not have any record about the overturn. Documentation submitted by the arresting agency or the clerk of court may have been sufficient for TICS to overturn the denial but not sufficient for TBI's Records and Identification Unit and/or the FBI's Criminal History Records Information Data Correction Unit to make permanent changes to their records. Submission of the proper forms by the arresting agency or clerk of court will result in your record being amended by the TBI and the FBI. Such documentation may be the R-84 Final Disposition Report Form or an official Order for Expunction. The above link for TBI's Records and Identification Unit will give you the information you need to clear up any problems with your criminal history record.

You need to check yourself before you get on here and bad mouth somebody. I don't post stuff on here unless I know it to be true. You might wanna do the same.
Also, I am done with site. I'm sick of people like W C running their stupid mouths and trying to start arguments on the internet of all things. Go ahead and remove me from the forum and close my account. And W C, whoever you are, you can go eating chocolate yourself buddy. Have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Townsend, TN
10mm4me said:
W C said:
10mm4me said:
It is no big deal. It is just a mistake. File an appeal and send it in. If you don't hear anything in 15 days, the dealer can legally sell you the firearm. Chances are, if you went back and tried it again, you would check out.

Absolutely NOT TRUE. Denied is DENIED. "Delayed" is when the dealer can (if he wants to) sell you the weapon after 72 hours of no response from NICS.
I had this happen to me. Get on the TBI site and read for yourself. I don't appreciate being called a liar either. This is straight from them...
What is a Conditional Proceed?
If during the background check TICS locates a record with outstanding disqualifying charges or charges that are undeterminable as disqualifying, TICS will deny the transaction. Upon an appeal of the denial, TICS will attempt to find disposition information on the charges in order to make a determination of eligibility to purchase a firearm. If TICS cannot obtain the information within the mandatory 15 day limit, the transaction will be marked as a Conditional Proceed. This means that the firearm dealer may lawfully, at his/her discretion, complete the transfer, although it in no way means that the dealer must complete the transfer. Should the dealer choose not to complete the transfer, your only appeal is to the FBI's NICS Appeals Services Unit. You may contact them at (304) 625-1903.

I previously tried to purchase a firearm and was denied. After I filed my appeal, the denial was overturned and I was allowed to get the firearm. Now I've tried to purchase another firearm and was denied again. What's going on?

If your previous denial was overturned, it became an approved transaction. Under existing state and federal law, TICS cannot retain any information about an approved transaction and so will not have any record about the overturn. Documentation submitted by the arresting agency or the clerk of court may have been sufficient for TICS to overturn the denial but not sufficient for TBI's Records and Identification Unit and/or the FBI's Criminal History Records Information Data Correction Unit to make permanent changes to their records. Submission of the proper forms by the arresting agency or clerk of court will result in your record being amended by the TBI and the FBI. Such documentation may be the R-84 Final Disposition Report Form or an official Order for Expunction. The above link for TBI's Records and Identification Unit will give you the information you need to clear up any problems with your criminal history record.

You need to check yourself before you get on here and bad mouth somebody. I don't post stuff on here unless I know it to be true. You might wanna do the same.
Also, I am done with site. I'm sick of people like W C running their stupid mouths and trying to start arguments on the internet of all things. Go ahead and remove me from the forum and close my account. And W C, whoever you are, you can go eating chocolate yourself buddy. Have a nice day.

How you gonna tell somebody to ef themselves then say have a nice day? lol I didn't take it that this fella was bad mouthing you. It's just his interpritation of the law. He might not have time to sit down and read the laws letter for letter like you do. Chill man or I guess bye.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
McMinn Co. Tennessee
7-08 fan said:
Its been taken care of I got a call saying the repeal went through and the denial was overturned.

Thanks for the advice and the help.
Good deal. It should not have been denied in the first place but it looks as if they didn't waste much time in getting it fixed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2004
back when I sold guns there were cetain situations where a denial came through

sometime just a glitch

I can remember one time when a guy came in and was denied.

he was a JR and his faterh was not able to buy guns. they later overturned and he was able to buy once they found out HE was NOT his father.

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