Recent content by dg7080

  1. dg7080

    Still struttin

    Right now in Sumner County.
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  3. dg7080

    Townhouse for rent Mexico Beach, FL

    Booking now for 2023... if your looking for a getaway to a quiet little beach town, this is it. Only 1/2 mile from miles of public beaches. March is about booked up but the rest of the year is open. It will start to book up in the next month or so. 10% discount to Tndeer.Com members. PM me...
  4. dg7080

    Breakthrough in blight resistant American chestnuts

    If the new transgenic tree project works, it will be years or decades before the forest would be once again home to the mature American chestnuts. But hopefully my grandkids and great grandkids will get to sit under their shade someday...
  5. dg7080

    Breakthrough in blight resistant American chestnuts

    I had several die too, but have 4 survivors. They are about 15 inches or so tall. I plan on putting them out next month... I planted them in a mix of some cheap potting soil and soil from the farm here. Hopefully they will survive the transplant into their new home on the hill..
  6. dg7080

    Breakthrough in blight resistant American chestnuts

    I have several Americans growing in containers. I hatched them last winter from nuts sent to me from the chestnut foundation. I am to plant them in a test grove on my farm this winter and when the transgenic tree is approved, hopefully next year, they will supply me one to plant in the grove...
  7. dg7080

    Best meat?

    Bison, Beef, Elk, Pig, and Venison.
  8. dg7080

    Dunstan Chestnuts Trees

    15 gone. Got about 6 left...
  9. dg7080

    Dunstan Chestnuts Trees

    Dunstan Chestnut Trees. I've got about 20 left that need a good home. 12 to 20 inches tall. $10 each. Located in Sumner County north of Gallatin. Message if interested.
  10. dg7080

    growing Dunstan Chestnut trees

    My American are brand new, just hatched them this past winter. I had some 2 years ago and they died before I could get them in the ground in the fall. This years American appear to be much healthier.. These are going to be planted about 300 yards from the nearest Dunstan. I will plant them in...
  11. dg7080

    Dunstan Chestnut Trees

    Yep, I usually wait till they are a little larger to sell them but I just have too many irons in the fire this summer so I need them to go to good homes asap...
  12. dg7080

    growing Dunstan Chestnut trees

    I've been growing Dunstans for several years now. I typically stratify around 50 nuts over the winter and then move them to pots when they sprout in the early spring. I have and do direct sow a few nuts every year but have not tracked the % that sprout vs the potted. I would guess that I have...
  13. dg7080

    Dunstan Chestnut Trees

    Dustan Chestnut trees. This year saplings. They average 12 to 16 inches tall at the moment. Great wildlife food in a few years. Located in upper middle Tennessee in Sumner County near Gallatin. $12 each each. PM for info.
  14. dg7080

    Good walk this morning

    I aint had the time to look much lately, but after last nights big rain I had to go this morning. Neighbor just disc and planted his dove field 2 days ago. As usual, it grows artifacts. Only walked maybe 25% of the open ground for about 2 hours and it was worth my time :) I am thinking that...
  15. dg7080

    Looking for a tritoon

    Calico Jack's just outside of Gallatin has a bunch of new ones. Most still have the shrink wrap around them. Not sure what they are. Fyi