What would you do?

Uncle Bubba

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2004
Dickson, Tennessee
Here's a scenario that I'd like some feedback on.

Earlier this week after sitting for several hours and seeing no deer activity, I decided to rattle. Within 5 minutes a small 6 point walked up to check it out, and then he slowly walked off.

Fast forward to this morning, sitting silently in my ground blind the same 6 point came cruising by around 7am and another 4 point about 30 minutes later. Around 9am off in the distance around 100 yards away I see a very mature buck easing along the fence line that separates my property from my neighbors. My neighbors property is 100 acres and the lady does not let anyone hunt on her property and I know this buck is not going to cross onto my property.

My question is what would you do to get his attention to possibly come where you are.

Do you:
  • Bleat
  • Grunt
  • Rattle (after already having success with it earlier in the week)
I decided to rattle and the buck wanted no part of it. He bolted off like a wildcat and ran across the field & back into the woods. I have rattled for years with success and have never had 1 react the way this buck did.

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2018
Clarksville, TN
Here's a scenario that I'd like some feedback on.

Earlier this week after sitting for several hours and seeing no deer activity, I decided to rattle. Within 5 minutes a small 6 point walked up to check it out, and then he slowly walked off.

Fast forward to this morning, sitting silently in my ground blind the same 6 point came cruising by around 7am and another 4 point about 30 minutes later. Around 9am off in the distance around 100 yards away I see a very mature buck easing along the fence line that separates my property from my neighbors. My neighbors property is 100 acres and the lady does not let anyone hunt on her property and I know this buck is not going to cross onto my property.

My question is what would you do to get his attention to possibly come where you are.

Do you:
  • Bleat
  • Grunt
  • Rattle (after already having success with it earlier in the week)
I decided to rattle and the buck wanted no part of it. He bolted off like a wildcat and ran across the field & back into the woods. I have rattled for years with success and have never had 1 react the way this buck did.

Any thoughts?

Maybe a buck decoy, then grunt and see if he takes the bait, of course he may just be a wuss and want no part of any confrontation, so a doe decoy and some bleats may be better.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
East TN
Must be a bigger buck in the area. Either that, or he was just a little close and it startled him. 100 yards isn't near as far in a field as it is in hardwood timber as far as sound is concerned. If it were me, I'd try to coax him in with bleats and softer grunts. Convince him there is a doe in rhe area. He may be long gone for the day, but you never know. They will circle back around to satisfy their curiosity. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
Grunting sequence to sound like a buck chasing a doe, short sharp grunts and end with a long grunt.

Why he reacted that way is anyone's guess. Could be he busted a hunter rattling before, or a number of other reasons.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2021
My guess is he is associating rattling with humans for some reason. I would avoid it if trying to kill that particular deer


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
I try to never assume that a deer is not coming to my side of the fence during the rut. That is more to keep me mentally in the game. When they are on the move they travel everywhere. Maybe consider switching your location a bit just in case. As for calls, the grunt call has worked for me on rare occasions. If you have eyes on him you might try a snort wheeze. I just try to not do any of it very much. Hope you get yourself a big one.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
If he's been whooped before then he could react that way. Bucks endure horrible damage in fights. Also if you're rattling and he can't see the bucks making that noise then that could startle him.

Right now bucks aren't having to compete for a hot doe. A week or two ago they did. A week or two from now they will again. But right now there should be plenty women to go around. Timing matters. I like to match the hatch like with fly fishing. Right now bucks are chasing does and grunting every other step, sometimes frantically. Cruising bucks are grunting as they walk. Try sounding like them. Does being chased are letting out short whiny bleats as they run. Mix that sound in a bit to make a buck think there's a hot doe being pursued.

Basically try to understand the phase of rut you're in a mimic the appropriate sounds. Once most does have been bred there'll be a lot more cruising and some fighting again. But right now it's a party and everyone is having fun so might not get best results with the horns.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
Start with a few soft grunts and see how he reacts...then step it up from there...but dont beat yourself up....you know he's in the area...stay after him...good luck!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
Right now bucks are chasing does and grunting every other step, sometimes frantically. Cruising bucks are grunting as they walk. Try sounding like them.
Yep, watching them do this in the field really helps a hunter understand how to mimic these calls. Deer are extremely vocal right now, and getting one to come to a call is really not that tough especially if you catch them at just the right time. Pops and clicks right now would also be ideal, if you knew how to use your call to make those sounds. I have tried with one of my calls and am able to make the click sounds most of the time when I try, but haven't perfected it.

Another thing that helps is if you can make your call come from where the deer can't see. Having a ridge behind you or other terrain features that force the deer to come looking for the action.

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