TN trip Thanksgiving week


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
Upstate South Carolina
As planned, I headed to TN for the entire week of Thanksgiving to spend time with family and get some deer hunting in. I got together with my friend Jonathan, known as Catman around here, and he took me to a spot he said is just infested with does since I just wanted to fill my freezer. He said there's so many that I could shoot and just wait and shoot another or 2.

Well as luck would have it, instead of does I saw this neat racked buck working a scrape. It took some flipping of the can call and a few buck grunts to get him interested enough to come on my side of the thicket for a clear shot but it worked. He wound up almost at bow range and fell right where I shot him. Didn't lose much shoulder meat at all and I hit him right in the heart. Pure luck.


He's a main frame 6 with a split and a drop making him an 8. Jonathan did a really awesome job on a euro mount for me that I'll get from him next time we come to TN. Probably in April so I can do a bit of turkey hunting while we're there. This thing is going to look neat above the fireplace.


As neat as all that was, the highlight of the trip was the young buck I killed on my parent's land. It's been 8 years since I last killed a deer on that property since we moved away. And that was my first deer. So it meant a lot to do that again. To make things better, our oldest daughter was excited to come out and blood trail it. I'd already found the deer but she didn't know that. Me and my dad showed her how to find it and she was following pin drops at times, paying very close attention. She walked all the way up to that deer and her face lit up when she found it.

She even watched as I gutted it, asking all sorts of questions, and didn't believe when my dad and I told her that gut pile would be gone within a day. We went back the next afternoon and there wasn't a trace of it. She thought we were in the wrong spot!

I went home with a lot of good meat and can't want to be back in April.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
Upstate South Carolina
Awesome! I also love that you and Catman still share time together in the woods even though you have some differing opinions. Many on this board think it's an unforgivable sin to associate with non like minded people.
He's a great guy and a great friend. And as I said elsewhere, but on the same topic, if I terminated friendships over disagreeing on something then I'd have no friends left. No 2 people will agree on everything!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
What a great story and a unique buck!

The story of letting your daughter blood trail the young buck brings back memories. I think my daughter was 6 or 7 the first time she saw me kill a deer. She couldn't have been more excited to blood trail the doe. And being close to the ground with young eyes, I think she was better at it than I was!

Big Pop

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2013
East TN
Great story, memories and good times! Like that weird rack! Miss Catman posting on here. Always enjoyed his experiences related here.

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