Really interesting observations tree_ghost. I guess being as far east as Mboro, your timing/behavior last year was different than ours. Due to the severe drought, we had a rare late rut. And the deer were in such poor shape, we picked up little chasing until right as breeding was kicking off in late November. This year is just like 2021, when we had a bumper acorn crop, although this year is even more exaggerated. In 2021, I picked up a flurry of chasing around food plots Oct. 20 to Nov. 3, but then things went quiet until the rut kicked off at its normal time around Nov. 12. This year, bucks have been chasing since late September, and right now it's just crazy. Does this mean the rut is early? No, just means the deer are in excellent health and have a lot of extra energy to burn.