Sorry if already discussed: Mineral regulations (CWD)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
Just North of Chatt-town
IMO, it would be as simple as banning deer urine . Claim detrimental effect to deer, and ban the use of it for hunting/photographing/attracting them. Enforcement is not the issue, lots of poachers kill deer in various illegal ways, and those ways are against current laws as well, so an item can be banned easily enough, tho some folks may still use it illegally.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Cookeville, Tennessee
I totally agree on urine products- they are a potential risk and regulating companies that are selling them to hunters would be the most effective way to enforce the ban. But this thread is about minerals- I don't see how a possession ban works on that side of the issue.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
I have more fears of the fears of CWD, than of CWD itself.

My greatest fears regarding CWD have become fear of government agency responses,
many of which may be motivated by mass hysteria & fear,
some of which are motivated by various individuals and competing agencies (as well as organizations)
trying to gain more power & control over each other.

Think about this:

Over the past few years, there has been a growing movement promoting deer hunting as a great "new" (old) way of procuring "organic" meat. Many of today's newest hunters have been coming from non-hunting families, drawn to deer hunting mainly for the purpose of safe "organic" food.
This could very well save the future of hunting?

Meanwhile, there are many people (albeit a minority of people) and organizations very opposed to hunting, primarily because they see it as cruelty to animals. Many of these people are vegans, although most may themselves regularly buy meat at groceries & restaurants.

But if we instill a fear of humans consuming venison,
would this not be like throwing gasoline on the fire of anti-hunting sentiments?

Never mind, that at least to date, humans consuming even known CWD-tainted venison appears safer than humans consuming USDA-inspected beef currently sold at groceries & restaurants.

Has the CWD issue become more about fear-mongering, power & control of competing ideas, competing government agencies, competing organizations?

I don't mean to undermine our real concerns about all the negative effects of CWD.
It is in fact bad stuff, at least for the deer who get it.

And again, so far, I believe TWRA's response to the CWD threat in TN has been prudent.

Yes, we need to be very concerned about every aspect of CWD, including the possibility it could some day jump the barrier and be transmitted to humans instead of just other deer. Let's just keep it all in a good perspective, and be sure we analyze all 3 sides of each coin, without making too many unfounded fear-based reactions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
Just North of Chatt-town
Good summation, and I'm in line with your concerns as well Wes. Up until now it seems there's still a lot of unknowns about the characteristics of this disease still, and I'm concerned about doing "something" that may seem necessary or needed, but actually in the long term have a negligible effect. And I'm not saying that what's been done so far qualifies as such by any means, but this disease has been around for a long time, and so far I don't see the sky falling. Jmo.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
Livestock salt and bird feeders are exempt.'

You can still give your livestock minerals