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Set my first traps

Few tips….

Paint DPs white
Use OnX, HuntWise, etc to mark your sets, then delete the waypoints when you pull your sets.
Remember, if it's good enough for 1 trap then it's good eno
ugh for 2 or 3 traps.
Make a catch pole, I wouldn't trap without one.
Have a plan for WHEN you catch a skunk. 😉

Way to go JCDEERMAN, those kind of numbers really help the turkeys! 👍👍👍
I was told yesterday by my buddy that does it for a living that they even sell white DP's now.
@RUGER gave me a catch pole yesterday so I'm good there!
Here is what was around my traps this morning. Hopefully I can catch it soon.
How do you set your traps for yotes and bobcats? Put bait around the trap hoping they'll get in it? Like I said, I'm 2 days new into this.
One of my first videos was ray Blanton I believe. Watch utube of well known trappers. Put the traps in the ground n learn from your mistakes. It's just like Christmas!!! You never know what is on the trap line!!
Good luck, hope you catch a bunch.

I am basically an amateur at trapping coyotes, I have caught less than 10 total, but I definitely need to get some traps out after deer season ends. I heard three different groups of them this morning not far off my property, then on the way to get my son from school this morning there was one standing in a beanfield beside the road at 10:15 am. That was only about a mile from my property where I saw the one next to the road.

My best luck trapping them has been step down and pipe dream sets, but I have trouble bedding my traps in the bottom, in the sand. That's where I have caught them though. I will have to try the hollow log set mentioned. Anyone have any tips or tricks for solidly bedding a trap in sand?
Congratulations on the catch . I've been trapping for over 30 years now an all I can say is it's addictive. I always explain like, you remember when you was 5 years old waiting on Christmas morning all excited. It's the same with trapping you never know what to expect . Just remember always set on sign ,don't over think it and keep it simple . There is a lot of gimmicks out there to catch the trapper also . If you can find some books by Charles Dobbins they are full of good knowledge . Any questions PM me I will be glad to help .
I bought 6 new Duke dog proof traps from a buddy of mine who does this for a living. We also placed an order for some 550's that hopefully will be here soon along with some stakes and all that good stuff.

I have never put the first trap out or really had no clue what I was/am doing besides just getting info from him. Decided to put 2 out yesterday and set a cam up over them. About 5 this morning it went off. 2 coons were there. I could tell one was near the trap but the pics just stopped. I figured maybe the coon pulled the stake out of the ground and took off with the trap. I took a walk back there this afternoon and noticed it was laying on the ground by the trap. Walked right up to it and it didn't move. I thought what the heck did it die of a heart attack? It finally put its head up and was very much alive. Crazy thing is he sat there all day and couldn't have moved because nothing trigger my camera. After dispatching it I noticed both front feet were in the trap.

It was pretty exciting being my first time doing this. I plan on getting all 6 out along with the 550's I ordered for bobcats and yotes.
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I tried to attach a video of the cat. A simple dirt hole set on a corner of food plot and a "Y" access with a long sight range. Christmas tree tinsel is above the cat for attracting their attention along with feathers around the trap. This has been successful for me over the years. It's good for yotes as well.


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I tried to attach a video of the cat. A simple dirt hole set on a corner of food plot and a "Y" access with a long sight range. Christmas tree tinsel is above the cat for attracting their attention along with feathers around the trap. This has been successful for me over the years. It's good for yotes as well.
Beautiful cat….Tom?
I was told yesterday by my buddy that does it for a living that they even sell white DP's now.
@RUGER gave me a catch pole yesterday so I'm good there!
Here is what was around my traps this morning. Hopefully I can catch it soon.
View attachment 207590
Just me, but I don't make a cat set without Paul's Backbreaker or Purrfect, Purrfect is killer on grey fox too. 👍😉
A little bobcat story and a set.
Last year I went to check a DP trap. When I got there, the trap was gone but there was a big pile of leaves. Kicked the pile open and there was a dead coon with his foot in the dp, partially eaten. Hmmm What would do that? .... Bobcat.
Got a couple 550s and set one on each side of the pile of leaves and recovered the coon. Bam. Next day I had a big tom in the trap.
So essentially it was like a hay set only with a pile of leaves. I also caught a nice bobcat in a haybale set we made for a coyote who was crossing a cut field each morning as I left for work. My conclusion is that bobcats like piles of stuff to investigate. Consider making a hay set baited with some roadkill or one of your other catches.
One thing I do to help with theft or for a lack of better phrases, is to secure my equipment so that tools have to be used to detach it from its anchor point. Doesn't matter if it's an earth anchor or extension cable, teenage boys and some adults just can't help themselves. If you use quick links then use pliers to tighten them down very tight, they won't back off by hand. If you use rivets (J hooks) close with pliers and open with C-7 cable cutters…..thinking Newt Sterling and Clint showed this method in one of their vids. I say this because the only drawback with "white" DPs is that they catch the human eye also. When I was young I roamed up and down creeks all the time, never know who's on your land.
A little bobcat story and a set.
Last year I went to check a DP trap. When I got there, the trap was gone but there was a big pile of leaves. Kicked the pile open and there was a dead coon with his foot in the dp, partially eaten. Hmmm What would do that? .... Bobcat.
Got a couple 550s and set one on each side of the pile of leaves and recovered the coon. Bam. Next day I had a big tom in the trap.
So essentially it was like a hay set only with a pile of leaves. I also caught a nice bobcat in a haybale set we made for a coyote who was crossing a cut field each morning as I left for work. My conclusion is that bobcats like piles of stuff to investigate. Consider making a hay set baited with some roadkill or one of your other catches.
Checking my traps this evening (dry run) I noticed the coon I caught the other day had been covered up with leaves. I've seen bobcats do this a lot.
So I've had a couple traps set for awhile. We got rain last night, which washed the dirt off the trap pans.

Do these need to be pulled and remade after the rain moves out? I imagine some dirt may have washed under the pan, idk.
So I've had a couple traps set for awhile. We got rain last night, which washed the dirt off the trap pans.

Do these need to be pulled and remade after the rain moves out? I imagine some dirt may have washed under the pan, idk.
If in doubt just remake the sets, temps going to drop after this rain and frozen traps are not good. You use peat or dry/waxed dirt?
My traps have went dry. Going to try and add some different bait tomorrow. Buddy of mine that was in town this week caught 6 while he was in. He was using marshmallows, grape jelly, and pop tarts. I'm going to get some jelly and sardines tomorrow and see if it attracts something.
My traps have went dry. Going to try and add some different bait tomorrow. Buddy of mine that was in town this week caught 6 while he was in. He was using marshmallows, grape jelly, and pop tarts. I'm going to get some jelly and sardines tomorrow and see if it attracts something.
If your DP's are in a great location like along a creek, leave one or two in the best spots. Otherwise, move them to some new areas. Coons move around but not in waves, you probably trapped out that location for now. Let it rest as you test some new areas and allow some to move back in.

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