Persimmon Cuttings


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
Anybody ever root persimmon cuttings? This particular tree produces insanely heavy, and the fruits don't ripen until mid October through November. It holds ripened fruit deep into winter. I'm going to take some cuttings and see if I can't get them to root. I've had mixed success with other species so fingers are crossed that it works. Would be nice to have a secluded orchard of rut ripe persimmons!


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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
South Louisiana
From what I've read, they are pretty much impossible to root from cuttings. The seeds from the native persimmon are easy to grow after they have been stratified for a period of time, 90 days I think.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Dec 8, 2002
East TN
Never had a lot of luck doing that. I bought 5 last year that a tree grower had done. 3 are still alive.

I would love to have some seeds from that tree to try to grow some. Would you be interested is sending me some? I'll pay the shipping cost.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
Wow!...that persimmon tree is loaded! Don't blame you for wanting more trees like that! Some of our persimmons dried up and fell off early during the drought.

I've never started any tree from a cutting but would like to particular there is a pear tree in my Dad's field that was my grandmother' idea how old that tree is but I ate pears off of it as a kid and this year it's loaded....I would absolutely love to get some cuttings started.

I mentioned trying to start a pear tree from seed on here and was told it was not going to work and that I should use cuttings and I needed to buy the growth hormone powder or gel to dip the cutting in before potting.....if memory is correct I was told to plant 20 cuttings if I wanted 5 trees to make it....not easy but doable.

So if persimmon needs to be started from seed....I'd plant several in pots next spring where you can nurse them through the could also return next spring and plant several seed near where the mother tree is doing so well.....sounds like an interesting project! Good luck! Keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
From what I've read, they are pretty much impossible to root from cuttings. The seeds from the native persimmon are easy to grow after they have been stratified for a period of time, 90 days I think.

I've read the same. Figured I'd ask here because I know a lot of the folks on the board are pretty crafty with stuff like this.

You graft them. Not easy but very possible

I wouldn't be afraid of grafting, but I don't have any persimmon trees to graft onto in the location I want to plant some. I've tried planting seeds and I've tried rooting seeds in moist paper towels, neither of which have worked out. I've even tried digging up small saplings & transplanting them but they live a few weeks at best before dying. I'm completely befuddled. Persimmons are kicking my butt!

Never had a lot of luck doing that. I bought 5 last year that a tree grower had done. 3 are still alive.

I would love to have some seeds from that tree to try to grow some. Would you be interested is sending me some? I'll pay the shipping cost.

Yessir of course I will! They'll be another couple months before they're ripe. Please remind me and I'll grab you a sack full. Let me know if they work out & become trees.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Dec 8, 2002
East TN
I've read the same. Figured I'd ask here because I know a lot of the folks on the board are pretty crafty with stuff like this.

I wouldn't be afraid of grafting, but I don't have any persimmon trees to graft onto in the location I want to plant some. I've tried planting seeds and I've tried rooting seeds in moist paper towels, neither of which have worked out. I've even tried digging up small saplings & transplanting them but they live a few weeks at best before dying. I'm completely befuddled. Persimmons are kicking my butt!

Yessir of course I will! They'll be another couple months before they're ripe. Please remind me and I'll grab you a sack full. Let me know if they work out & become trees.
Thanks Ski!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
I've never started any tree from a cutting but would like to particular there is a pear tree in my Dad's field that was my grandmother' idea how old that tree is but I ate pears off of it as a kid and this year it's loaded....I would absolutely love to get some cuttings started.

I mentioned trying to start a pear tree from seed on here and was told it was not going to work and that I should use cuttings and I needed to buy the growth hormone powder or gel to dip the cutting in before potting.....if memory is correct I was told to plant 20 cuttings if I wanted 5 trees to make it....not easy but doable.

I've had a little luck getting pears to grow from clippings. None are producing fruit yet but the oldest stayed alive & have grown for 3yrs, so I think it worked out??? I wasn't even particularly trying with them, either. I was pruning a tree and took the cuts, beveled the end, and stuck them in the ground out around my field. Didn't get anywhere near the 1:4 ratio you noted but I didn't use hormone and didn't use clean clippers. When pruning I don't throw clippings away. I just stick them in the ground. So far I've had a few apples, maples, plums, and pears take off. Heck, I even clipped some red osier dogwood while up in WI last winter, potted them in peat moss on the front porch, and they've grown 24" over spring & summer. Gona transplant them to my OH property. Should be a good creek liner.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Muscle Shoals Al
I took a few handfuls one fall and put them in a paper bag. Got home, intending to plant them and promptly forgot about them for several months. Late winter I found the dried persimmons and put them in flower pots near the window. Had a dozen sprout and grow 12" or so. Went and planted them at the edge of a good bow hunting spot. The continued to grow until my ex-buddy got too bush hog happy and accidentally cut them down!

WestTn Huntin man

Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 2006
Benton Co.
I've never tried to root Persimmon cuttings. I have rooted many other cuttings.. Spring Time is the best time to try. When the new growth is young and tender. Many trees that are difficult to root cuttings propagate well using Air Layering. You can DYI a kit or kits that you buy may be easier and more convenient.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
I took a few handfuls one fall and put them in a paper bag. Got home, intending to plant them and promptly forgot about them for several months. Late winter I found the dried persimmons and put them in flower pots near the window. Had a dozen sprout and grow 12" or so. Went and planted them at the edge of a good bow hunting spot. The continued to grow until my ex-buddy got too bush hog happy and accidentally cut them down!

I don't know that I'd de-friend a guy for accidentally mowing my persimmon trees, but that depends on how much fruit they produced 😂

I've not had luck with seeds, and as I understand it persimmons are either maple or female and only the female produce fruit. I wouldn't know the difference. But I think it would be worth the effort nonetheless! I'll keep my buddies and bush hogs away 😁


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
I've never tried to root Persimmon cuttings. I have rooted many other cuttings.. Spring Time is the best time to try. When the new growth is young and tender. Many trees that are difficult to root cuttings propagate well using Air Layering. You can DYI a kit or kits that you buy may be easier and more convenient.

I've heard of air layering before but don't know anything about it. Thank you for the link! I'll certainly give it a try.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
South Louisiana
You can try airlayering, but I'm pretty sure it will not work on persimmon. Best bet is plant some native persimmon seed or buy some seedling trees, grow them for a year and graft your desired wood to it. Persimmon is not considered an easy tree to graft. I had some success grafting Asian persimmons to native rootstock a few years back.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
Best bet is plant some native persimmon seed or buy some seedling trees, grow them for a year and graft your desired wood to it. Persimmon is not considered an easy tree to graft.

I fear you're probably correct. I'll give each route an honest effort and hopefully at some point have at least something resembling success. I'll keep yall posted if anything works out.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Carroll County
I have to mow persimmon seedlings from many of my fields. These trees are so easy to grow from seed. Using gloves, pick up seeds from scat. Plant them 1/2" deep where ever you want. The only challenge is waiting for the tree to grow and flower to find out if you have a male or female tree.

My dog loves the fruit from a female tree in my front yard.... that fella spreads trees all over my back yard. ;o)


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
I have to mow persimmon seedlings from many of my fields. These trees are so easy to grow from seed. Using gloves, pick up seeds from scat. Plant them 1/2" deep where ever you want. The only challenge is waiting for the tree to grow and flower to find out if you have a male or female tree.

My dog loves the fruit from a female tree in my front yard.... that fella spreads trees all over my back yard. ;o)

I'd rather walk your dog around the property than digging through poo 💩 😂

I've actually planted seeds several times, as well as refrigerator and sock drawer tricks, and even dug up volunteer sprouts for transplant. The closest I've had to any success at all was transplanting, but even those only live a few weeks.

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