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Great opening weekend


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2005
Christiana (Rutherford County)
Got to the lease Friday afternoon hoping to roost one but nothing. Saturday my brother in law and I hunted together and was trying to get him on a bird while my brother went out on his own. Heard 6-7 birds but nobody wanted to play. Got back to camp about 11:00 and started breakfast. Eggs, fried taters, bacon, deer sausage, and deer tenderloin. 😋

As we were finishing a bird gobbled right behind the camp so I threw my camo back on, grabbed my stuff and asked who was going with me or I was gonna kill this bird. Brother in law took off with me so I had him sit right off the edge of the road and I went down about 30 yards. First call and bird hammers. Waited a few minutes and hit it again and nothing so just shut up. Maybe a minute passed and BOOM! Bird walked right in front of him at 10–12 yards coming my way and he rolled him with my old 835.

19 lbs (if I remember correctly)
1 1/8" spurs
8" beard
Went out that afternoon trying to roost/kill one and had 3 jakes come about 10 yards in front of me. Saw 3 longbeards late but didn't want to play so backed out when they eased off. Had one gobbling up the hill and decided we'd go there this morning.

BIL hunted with me again so right after sitting down birds started gobbling. They were down below and knew there were at least 3 different birds. I got up and moved while he stayed back. Once they flew down they went back and forth but wouldn't cross a ditch. I decided to move on them and by the time I got there they had moved so back up the hill I went. Was trying to text BIL and didn't have service even though I was standing right where I sat earlier. Moved another 10' and bird gobbles. I turn around to see a bird in the bottom of the field so I got down on my knees, threw my mouth call in and started ranging trees. Ended up being 2 hens with 3 longbeards in tow. As the hens came up the field edge they started going across the field so I made a call and they gobbled and strutted. One broke off and was easing my way. As it popped up out of a little depression in the land it got spooked, putted, and turned around. Made the fatal mistake of stopping and I squeezed it off then watched him fold right there.

17 lbs
9 1/2" beard
1 1 /16" spurs


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