elk huntin n ky

I have applied, $10 application fee. The license costs went up March 1, 2007, but I can't find the new fee schedules. However, I paid $115 for the N.R. License last year plus $300 for the N.R. elk tag, for a total of $415. It is more this year, but I can't find how much more on the I-net.
UPSman said:
Do you have to buy the NR license when you apply for the tag?
No, just your ten bucks for the application fee. The real money comes when you get drawn, but when that time comes, most of us are willing payors.
UPSman said:
I'd pay in a flash! They have some real whoppers up there.
Well, my "whopper" was a cow, for which I was tinkled pink! The cow permits outnumber the bulls about 2 to 1, and you have no control over which you are going to draw. The fact of drawing either is very long odds due to the BIG numbers of applicants for the number of permits available.
Let's assume there are 30,000 applicants this year:
30,000 applicants x $10.00 application fee = $300,000
270 resident elk tags x $30.00 resident elk permit = $ 8,100
30 non-resident tags x $365.00 non-resident permit = $10,950
Total $ = $319,050

$319,050 divided by 300 hunts = $1063.50 per elk.

Even though the $ generated increased, it would appear as if the income per elk decreases as the number of elk tags increases. Still this has been a story-book restocking effort by the KY F&G.

Are my math & calculations correct?