Duck Blind Drawing Is Open

Buzzard Breath

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
Maury County
Zoom meetings can be made public, all that is needed is an access code to be able to "attend", we do it all the time as I am sure many here do. All the stated requirements above can be accomplished via zoom or other teleconference software.
"The Tennessee Open Meetings Act generally only allows members of state governing bodies to participate by electronic means. Tenn. Code Ann. § 8-44-108. Such authority does not generally exist for city and county governing bodies. Elected governing bodies of counties, cities, metropolitan governments and school boards may establish an internet forum as provided in Tenn. Code Ann. § 8-44-109. However, such internet forums cannot act as a substitute for decision making by a governing body at a meeting held in accordance with the Tennessee Open Meetings Act."

Gov Lee had to pass an executive order during the pandemic for them to have Zoom style meetings. It wasn't extended when it expired.

Dodge Man

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2003
Dyersburg, TN
I completely agree. The commissioners are obviously out of touch with what the hunters want if they honestly think this band-aid solution will fix anything.

The next commission meeting is August 24-25 at Pickwick. Both commissioners I spoke with made it clear that the only way to get anything done is if a large number of duck hunters showed up during this meeting to voice their opinion.
I know a couple of the meetings they had a large number of people show up to speek aand voice concerns. They let 6-10 people speek and then would say they were out of time and cut off the microphone. They had 50+ more people that wanted to speek and never let them say a word. They do not want to hear what the public has to say.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Sep 7, 2011
I think there is a middle ground in this debacle that makes some sense(to me at least). Go back to in person draws for the current tier 1 blinds, and let the state keep the tier 2 blinds(which are mostly the ones that were being bought and sold) as they exist now. Yes, that takes the "best" blind spots out of the season long process, but it cuts down on the "lottery" of drawing a good spot. It gives the hunters that just want a spot what they want, with the in person draw, so they see the process, and it gives the commission what they say they want, more opportunity for other hunters. If they want more of that opportunity after that, build new tier 2 blinds in some of the un-utilized areas inside whatever WMA, or create new WMAs elsewhere. As far as crops are concerned, utilize moist soil plants where it makes sense, WMAs without fields that are traditionally flooded corn. And for the sake of everyone who hunts any of the WMAs, get out and do some maintenance on the boat trails. Clear out the overgrown buck brush in the boat lanes, cut down, clear out trees that have been allowed to grow up where they are in the way. And have someone that goes around to the tier 2 blinds every couple of weeks during season and throws a little more brush on those blinds when they need it. I haven't been in a tier 2 this past season, not taken a look in one this year, but I hope they spay painted the inside, at least along the shooting deck, that white interior was harsh to look at, and if you got a sparse place in brush, really stood out.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
If they want more of that opportunity after that, build new tier 2 blinds in some of the un-utilized areas inside whatever WMA, or create new WMAs elsewhere. A
This! I recommend this very thing to them in a survey 2 years ago. It is very possible to do this.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Sep 7, 2011
Drawing results will be announced Saturday, 10am at selected sites for in person announcement. You'll get an email between 2 and 5 probably, and the app will have your results as well by then.

Andy S.

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 1999
Atoka, TN


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
Man it's just a weird feeling now. It wasn't until this morning that I realized, oh hey the blind draw is tomorrow. No excitement or anticipation at all. I used to look forward to the first Saturday in August, and couldn't wait for it.

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