I've never planted it in the spring. I suspect it won't get 2 feet tall planting it that late. Regardless, it will die once it gets hot and dry. If it doesn't flower before then, it won't reseed itself.
It does GREAT when planted in the fall and allowed to establish roots over winter.
Balansa is a cool season clover. Planting in spring will reduce its ability to establish well and will hamper seeding.
It will grow to some degree but unless we have a cool damp spring you may not get the "POP" we talk about. Mine is growing now with these 50 degree days.
I suggest planting it as soon as you get it. Disking is not recommended as you risk getting it too deep.
Broadcast it now, add some wheat and it will out compete most warm season plants. You can always spray later or just wait for hot weather to make it go dormant then spray kill everything else. I have read where auto seed back can be as much as 50 to 100 lbs of seed per acre after balansa has been established