A little Redemption


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2015
West TN
So alot of you saw my thread about missing 2 nice bucks in about a wk. Tues I made the call to a local gun shop and continued my search for a Remington 700 ADL in 30.06. (It was my first deer rifle, and like most young people it was the first thing I sold when I needed money straight out of school back in 2007ish…) Anyway, to my surprise there was a gun shop in Humbolt that actually had one. So I asked them to put it on hold for me and I would be up Wed after I get off.(I work nights, so I was planning on going after working Tues night) Well the more I laid in bed, the more I wanted to go see it, so to my better judgement, I got up and made the 1:20 min drive. Got there and it was the exact thing I have been looking for. Made a deal with the guy and was out the door in under 1 hour. Due to work, I had to wait til Fri morning to get a new scope, but found a Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 and put it on and left the rings the same. (I like the iron sights and wanted to keep it like I had my first set up) Was finally able to go Sat morning and shoot it and get it ready for Sat afternoon.

Sat afternoon rolls around and I'm in the stand around 3. Around 4:15, the flood gates open with deer. At one point I had around 20 deer in the field but no bucks.

Finally about 5:14, a 5 point comes in the field about 250 yards away feeding. After about 15 mins in the field he starts to get antsy and keeps looking behind him. Then his whole body language changes. His ears get pinned back and he bristled up. At this point I knew something was coming just didn't know what. Finally I catch movement in the woods on the other side of the creek about 300 yards away. There is a buck "killing" a tree. I can't make out what, but can see the outline of a rack. At this point he starts moving parallel with the creek with it running left to right in front. The 5 point decides he has had enough and starts stiff legging it in the woods.

So I grab my grunt call thinking I don't really have much to loose. I give a few short grunts followed by a longer then a snort wheeze and a few more small grunts. The 5 point does an about face and comes back in the field looking. I waited til he is looking back at the other buck who I have lost in the cane along the creek and hit him with a few more grunts. The 5 then decided he had heard enough and starts the March directly to me.

About this time the other bigger buck pops out of the woods and I recognize him as the last deer I missed and one I have a few trail com photos of.

Once he gets into the field good, I give them a good long drawn out loudish grunt. That's all it takes and the 5 and bigger deer come on a steady walk to me. The 5 gets about 25 yards from my tree and the bigger was at 93 yards when I range. I take my time, and a lot of the advice from guys on here, settle my shot, bear down and pull the trigger. He folds immediately and never moves. You talking about a sigh of relief. I was so nervous about missing again I had to recalibrate myself and calm down.

Deer is a main 7 with a split brow. Shot went in about an inch from where I was aiming in the front shoulder and dropped him like a sack of tators. Needless to say I was super excited and happy with him. He ended up weighing 217.

Not a bad buck at all and to shoot it with pretty much the same rifle I started on made my year, even after all the trouble I have had this year.

Sometimes less is more. I traded and brand new bergara rifle with a Luepold scope in for this set up, which is older than me, and was using straight up Walmart 180g Winchester lead. Something I grew up shooting. It taught me a lesson that's for sure.


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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2020
Dickson Co., Tn.
Congratulations on a good deer and story to boot.
Love that rifle, I would take that any time over the new rifles of today.