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A few bucks


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
Huntsville, AL
Sorry fellas, I haven't posted in a LONG time. I've been busier than you know what!

But I did get around to pulling some cards this weekend and it looks like I may have a few decent bucks...

Am I the only one who has a internal battle on if I should open Caw's picture post? I do like antler porn, but looking at his makes my antler porn seems inadequate

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Very nice! I guess that it is official that Stickers is gone since this makes two years that he is not back. For some reason, I thought of him the other day. I sure enjoyed following him when he was around. Although those deer aren't Stickers, there are still some nice ones. Should be a good season for you and the boys. Good luck with them!
I saw a Facebook post, on Tenn. Deer Hunters from what I guess is your son and he called one stickers, I only guessed it to be your property because it had the exact same background from your first picture
lots of potential targets! I especially like the wide 8 and the buck with the downturned main beam. Looks like you have a lot to look forward to this fall! (Oh, and your beans look great!)

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