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2018 Trapline Pics


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2012
Post them up!


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Had another yote this morning, real pretty dark with silver points but rain was coming and I forgot to get a pic.

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I was planning on already having my coyote line out 2 weeks ago, but work put a hold on that. Maybe this Friday I can get some steel in the ground. Did you put the fur up, if so what did it look like? Yotes should already be prime by now.
First two looked real nice. Silver points, lots of color, full tails. Kind of surprised how prime they were.

I'm putting up the nice ones. May have them tanned and make some arrow quivers or something.

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Thought this morning I would be re-baiting and re-luring after all the rain. Thanks to waxed dirt I didn't need to remake any, just touch ups.

Surprised to have this guy on a pipe set.


That pipe set is probably the most waterproof I know. Lots of visual so even if the scent is washed away they may still check it out and catch a smell up close.


Good catch on an MB650. I like a big trap for coyotes.

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Got one this morning in a hayfield. He was running a low spot that connects a fence go under to a brushy pond.

On a pipe set, think this is the third yote caught on the same pipe.


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Drainage connecting two fields and wood lots, road crossing. Caught on a dirthole.



Good high pad catch on a #3 Sleepy Creek. Not getting out of that.

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Not trapping, but I did pick up another this evening in a cut bean field. Dialed too much elevation and shot high on first shot but he made the mistake of stopping at about 380 to look back.


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I don't have much luck catching coyotes in a remake. I think a catch circle is an attractor but they're cautious to go inside.

So I normally punch in a fresh set nearby a catch. That's what caught this pretty colored female this morning. The lucky pipe now has 4 to its credit. Starting to get chewed up but still works.


Nice high pad catch on a Jake. Must've come from the side a bit.


We're traveling for T-Giving, so I'm winding down this line. Had 15 sets out, only 11 right now. Will rework some traps and hit it again after the holidays. Hopefully December will be dry and cold.

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Here is a double from this morning the lighter one is a female ,the darker one was a Male. Caught on a flat set and pipe set.


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Just edited on my iPhone and reposted via Tapatalk.

Female is pretty! I've been hoping for a double this year, don't have a location without at least two sets but no dice so far.

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Been to busy to get any traps out so far. Rock Chucker 30, can you start another thread when you have a minute and give me some insight on your first set with the pipe, and what lure you are using to catch the yotes. I have a bottle of coyote urine I picked up on clearance last year but never have opened it. Didn't know if that would be a good lure.
Got a triple today on 2 pipe sets and a flat set. I wasn't able to get the right angle to get all of them in the same picture


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Don't know what Trapper uses, but I like Fox Hollow GH-II, Violator #7, Yodel Dog, and Purrfect for a changeup.

In order of what those are - mixed gland with some skunk, heavy skunk, coyote gland, bobcat gland.

Hiawatha Valley is a good predator bait.

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RockChucker30":124dylic said:
Don't know what Trapper uses, but I like Fox Hollow GH-II, Violator #7, Yodel Dog, and Purrfect for a changeup.

In order of what those are - mixed gland with some skunk, heavy skunk, coyote gland, bobcat gland.

Hiawatha Valley is a good predator bait.

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Good deal thanks for sharing. I'll get online and see what I can find.