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At the NWTF show yesterday...

Just another reason not to support the venue?
It was meant as a joke to those who are so vocal on here about their dislike for the seek one guys. Me, idgaf. I hunt the way I hunt, don't care how others legally hunt and won't change. The NWTF show is not for everyone so if you don't like crowds and don't care to be amongst folks who are into 2A, hunting and seeing new gear etc, then it isn't for you. I certainly wouldn't stay away because the seek one guys were there but hey, to each his own...
No,but my buddy won 3rd in Gobbling!
Omg your buddy went to NWTF ?! He must be against hunting since he is supporting NWTF!!! He probably supports baiting deer on private land too!!!! Wow that's just un ethical to the hunting community… that's unfortunate. Maybe if he would've stayed home and didn't go we could save the next 10 generations of hunters
First time I have been (son was wanting to go) and first time I have really felt like a public land gobbler. Seemed every call booth would pick up a call and start yelping at me when they seen me coming. Gonna be ready to gobble at them before I go back to another one.
First time I have been (son was wanting to go) and first time I have really felt like a public land gobbler. Seemed every call booth would pick up a call and start yelping at me when they seen me coming. Gonna be ready to gobble at them before I go back to another one.
PLEASE baby Jesus, don't let Seek1 monetize killing pet turkeys in suburban backyards. I might have a stroke.
It's the internet so this is true.
They're coming out with a new camo. Resembles vinyl siding with windows.
Next, "lawn mower" mirror reflective camo for your ATV, so you can just ride right up to suburban bucks, and "spear" them! Includes "free" lawn-mower noise device to sound just like a mower blade twirling.

Handle bar mount clown horn included.
Two bursts of the clown horn makes the bucks running to you stop and stare,
so you can throw your spear at a stationary target.

Also works on farm animals & domestic poultry (including pet turkeys!!!).

And, if you act before 12MN, they will throw in a "free" corn-feeder sound device to make bucks run even faster, right up to your atv! But be careful! Don't collide head-on with all the big bucks running to your sounds!

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