One of the findings they categorized bucks as sedentary or mobile. The sedentary bucks tended to stay within a single home range of about 700 acres. The mobile bucks moved between 2 or more home ranges that might be several miles apart.
We saw this play out a few years back the first year on our current lease. We put cameras out mid-Sept and immediately started getting pics of 3 nice bucks — an 8 pt, a 9 pt and a 10 pt. The 10 pt disappeared in mid-October. We didn't see it again until it walked into the field following 2 does Nov 19. I posted a picture of it here in the forum and another member contacted me wanting to know where I killed it. Turned out his buddy had watched it 3 or 4 times during muzzleloader — they were hunting over 3 miles from us. So while it had disappeared from our home range it had settled in its other home range for a month. It was a 4.5 year old.
Similar the 9 pt disappeared from second week of Nov until Dec 22 when my daughter was able to kill it during a pouring rain. It was a 5.5+ yr old. It had been on our cameras 2-3 times a week until it disappeared in November.
The 8 pt kept its home range on our lease until he walked in front of me the second weekend of muzzleloader!