Trail Camera Cable Lock


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
Get as many as you can "keyed alike".
Agree with this completely.

And as for locks, just remember they only stop the honest. I had a ladder stand with one of the heaviest Python cables on it you can buy. But I lost the key, so had to cut it off. Thought it was going to be a real chore. Yet a small 14" bolt cutter went through it like it was butter. If someone wants your camera, a cable lock isn't going to stop them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
More & more, I've gone to using steel security boxes instead of python cable locks.

They are overall comparably "secure", and no more, possibly less likely to be seen than having anything going completely around the tree.

The advantage of the steel boxes is mostly in how they protect your cams from sun & water damage. And, if you're in an area with bears, they can save your cams from total destruction.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
Dayton, TN
I use the ones mentioned above. Like already said, it'll only keep the honest "honest"
But, if on public land, I wouldn't go without one.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
Upstate South Carolina
I've got the Python lock too and really like it.

As BSK said, if some degenerate really wants it, he'll come back with a heavy duty set of bolt cutters and he'll take it. It's amazing to me how many I see on public land not locked up. In October I found two cellular cameras, about 15 feet apart, both not locked up.

A couple years ago there was one right at the edge of a dove field in an obvious spot where deer come out at night. It was left there for a while, in plain sight and no lock cable. I squirrel hunted that area in the Winter a lot and 3 or 4 times I just had to check to see what was on the SD card out of curiosity. I had my card reader with me because I had a camera elsewhere on that WMA that I'd go check.

Lots of deer in that field at night, a hog or two as well. I always put it back and left the camera as I found it. I'd never steal someone's stuff, but you can bet your butt if you leave it unlocked I'm going to want to know what's on the SD card!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
As BSK said, if some degenerate really wants it, he'll come back with a heavy duty set of bolt cutters and he'll take it.
Or they will cut the tree down to take it. Have read stories of small trees being hacked or cut down to steal a camera. Probably a little more likely for a person to carry a folding saw or machete than a pair of bolt cutters. Shame that those types of scum are out there, but they are.

In the time I have been running cameras(about 25 years now), I have never had one stolen(knock on wood), I have had a couple times they were tampered with though. The cable lock as said above just keeps the cameras from walking off with somebody when they run across them, as most don't walk the woods carrying bolt cutters or a saw. With more and more running cell cams these days, the tresspasser that sees the cam with an antenna probably knows it's already too late and would be unlikely to come back to steal it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
I have a ton of these (almost one per camera) and love them. I will even Python Cable lock a camera mounted with the Slate River.
The downside to using the Python Cable Lock is the cam then becomes more visible to someone who might take it. So, easier to walk off with a cam on a Slate River Mount, but someone is less likely to see it.

Go figure.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
Agree TheLBLman. Any time you have something wrapped around the tree, it becomes much more visible. Generally, I only cable lock cams that are near my property line.