Addition to jaw bone, sons first ML buck


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2013
TN, Rhea,
My kids have both had an amazing year. I have spent (along with a friend also for a bow opener deer) all my time getting my kids on deer. I had said that muzzleloader would be my time but my son has begged to go with me and I won't tell him he can't be in the woods with me. We went last night to a friend's place and didn't see anything but a small doe at last light.
This morning we got up and went to my top foodplot knowing bucks would be on their feet and we're likely to cross it. At first light we could hear bucks sparring behind us but can't see out of the back of the shooting house. Shortly after a small 10 point crossed the plot but way to fast for him to get in my lap and shoot. A few minutes later the same buck chased 2 doe across the plot but again no shot. About 30 minutes later a doe and 2 fawn came out at the end of the plot and worked their way into 100ish yards and the small 10 was quick to come in behind them. I got my son ready but he said he didn't feel comfortable and didn't want to wound it so he let it walk on (proud dad moment).
Around 830 the same doe and fawn came back out and worked down to about 60 yards and my son asked if I thought the funky buck may come out (you'll see in the pics why he called him that). I had figured he would make an appearance but I really wasn't certain. As we are sitting there watching the doe and talking the "funky buck" jumped over a 4 plus foot tall brush pile and let out the longest, loudest and most animated grunt I have ever heard and began pushing the doe. I got my son in my lap and told him to put the cross hair on his shoulder and squeeze. The buck never took a step and barely kicked when the gun went off. He was over the top excited and is tagged out for the year already!
The 200gr sst punched the shoulder and was found just under the hide on the off side. He is likely the biggest 3pt I have ever seen and while I don't have a scale I will say with certainty that he dressed over 160 lbs.


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2002
That is awesome! I got way more excited when my son killed a deer when he was younger than I ever did of the deer I killed. You will never regret spending time in the woods with your kids!!! Well done!

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