Just like gun enthusiasts are the biggest proponents of gun safety, hunters are the biggest wildlife conservationists, farmers are the biggest land conservationists. If 98% of them are doing something, there is a reason and they don't believe it's harming their biggest asset. Please go ask them about it before you bandwagon throwing them under the bus
First, by no means am I throwing farmers under the bus.
I come from a farming family and have many, many farming friends.
What is a row-crop farmer's biggest asset?
I may not have the answer for that question, but I'm certain it is not the once abundant bobwhite quail of West TN. Modern farming practices have been one of the biggest factors in making these birds near extinct in West TN.
We are cattle and hay farmers and fescue is also bad for turkeys but we are forced to seed it so we can make money on hay.
I do understand this dilemma.
The wholesale replacement of native grasses with fescue has greatly contributed to the population decline of bobwhite quail, and is of zero value to any wildlife (at least relative to those diverse native grasses it has displaced).
I have much disdain for fescue.
The only thing worse for wildlife (and row-cropping) is johnson grass.
Who oh who thought it was a good idea to bring in johnson grass to Tennessee?
Perhaps the good folks at Monsanto?
Roundup was once the only thing we could find that would kill it.