Hunter 257W said:
It's not just deer hunting that causes me to hate Summer. It's the heat and bugs and sunburn and snakes and did I mention heat and bugs? I walk out near a mature tree and mosquitoes cover me up. Actually walk into the woods or anywhere outside the lawn and ticks get on me. Every waking moment on the farm is spent with some bug trying to either bite, sting or drink the juice from your eyes. My clothes stick to me like I was soaked in honey from the sweat. My pistol rots on my hips from the constant sweat soaking. Glasses streak up with rivers of sweat. Ugghhhh........ If deer season were to be permanently closed, I'd still long for November all Spring and Summer.
As I get older, I hate the heat more. And I've never liked the bugs. I hate ticks but I hate chiggers more. Did I mention I really, REALLY hate chiggers?
...but then I'm not really ready for deer season yet. At least I'm not ready for all the prep work that deer season entails.