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Food Plots Soybeans


Jul 3, 2011
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Thinking of planting some by the end of the month. I have tested the soil, plan to spray with gly and then till. I have to broadcast and use a yard roller since I don't have a planter. I also have fence since it's a small area. Any pointers for a first time? Am I too late?
You got plenty of time, the old farmer rule of thumb is after
June 15th you lose a bushel a day. Think of all the beans that are double cropped behind wheat
If its not over 3 acres i would plant the cheapest i could get cause they will destroy anything less. I plant 8 acres Laredo with oats but they are not rr beans i dont mind a few weeds plus i eat the deer and i dont like round up it gives the meat a bitter taste.
When i broadcast i drag over the field to cover a little then compact. Take a look at the laredo beans you get 2 times as much seed they are small flat black bean or the 10.00 dollars a bag that tickweed is talking about.