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How do I know what bowstring I need for my recurve


May 5, 2014
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I just purchased a pearson recurve at a yard sale. It says 60amo on the handle. I've read conflicting info on the web. Some say to go 3" shorter then amo while others say 4" shorter. I've always gotten my compound strings from 60x custom strings but I'm not sure which of these I need either. www.60xcustomstrings.com/recurve/ Is one of these better then the other? I've heard that dacron is the way to go on older bows. Thanks for any help. Looking forward to trying traditional archery.
4" is generally the rule of thumb for recurves, and 3" for longbows. Dacron strings are recommended for older bows that are not fast flight compatible. Assuming you are pulling under 50 pounds of draw weight, a 10 or 12 strand string should be fine.
Hope this helps and welcome to the addiction, God Bless
You can measure it if you want to check for yourself. Its easy. Just measure it along the back side, follow the curves in the bow, from tip to tip. Then subtract 4 inches ( rule of thump is 4 inches for a recurve and 3 for a long bow ) to get the string length. I build mine out of BCY's B55. Both B55 and B50 Dacron will stretch so the number of twist changes and with most strings for traditional bows you will generally have to add or remove twist to find the sweet spot ( brace height ) for the bow. So with that said as long as you get a string that is pretty close it will work. Example: I have built 5 in the last 2 weeks for long bows made by the same person and all five have been almost the same length but each one has to have had twist put in or taken out because each one likes a different brace height.
x2 what TnTurk and Grill-n-man said.

you might check 3Rivers for a string. whomever you order from, check to see if they are measuring the string by actual length.

3Rivers is a trad only supplier. if you talk to them over the phone you wont have any confusion between compound and trad answers.