I bought a used Red Head (Enigma, I think) from a friend. I've used to for two seasons and had good success. There's enough room for two hunters.
You want the blind large enough so that you will not be bumping the sides if you reposition yourself and your rifle for the shot. With one hunter, its plenty large enough. With two? That depends. Two hunters in chairs, two rifles, monopod, backpack, etc. can cramp up a blind quicker than you think. There was a big difference in comfort using my 16" barreled Ruger M-77 vs. using the 20" barreled FN Supreme. The Ruger was MUCH handier getting in and out of the blind, carrying, and getting on target with.
Save space and use tripod stools inside the blind. The legs adjust for differences in terrain height ( the ground is NEVER level in the area you want your blind) and they pack up smaller. You don't lose out in comfort, and your can swivel your body quietly 360 degrees to get your shot lined up. Any brand of blind that gets good durability reviews online should work. Stake it out, so it doesn't flap in the wind, and you will be fine. After you use it, you will get a feeling for how you should be setting up. And keep it away from gas cans, soaps, etc.