Found something REALLY interesting a couple weeks ago!


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2000
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Fer Tick
As some of yall may know, I log for a living. I cleared off a new landing area on a piece of property I bought a few years ago and as it turns out my logyard is on an old indian camp or village. LOTS of flint, broken points and even few good points have turned up. In addition to that, I was walking across the yard and happened to look down and saw a piece of what I THOUGHT was metal of some type. WHATEVER it is, has been melted and allowed to take its own form while cooling. I gave it to my son to see if he could forge something from it. Well as it turns out its not steel, pig iron, or anything else like that. Its patinated green, just like silver, lead and pewter do but its not lead and its not pewter, and its not copper! Every shade tree test he can run on it says its SILVER! What would a hand size x 1/4 in thick piece of silver be doing in an indian camp? The possibilities are almost endless! We are going to take it to a buddy of mine that runs a pawn shop and have him test it to know for sure if its silver. IF it is, my first inclination was to sell it, but the precious metals market almost never goes down and besides that the COOL factor of where it came from is just too good to sell it!
IF it is silver, where did it come from! The possibilities are endless! 200, 300 years ago did they raid a homestead and steal it? Did they rob a riverboat on the Cumberland? The main hollow below this site leads to the Cumberland river about 4 miles down the hollow. I dont think it came from a house fire, theres no sign of any dwelling there, no nails, no hinges, nothing to lead me believe theres ever been a house there.
Jackson/Clay/Overton co lines, in fact I can stand on this spot and almost be in all 3 counties at once.
If pure silver it would be worth around $2,311 based on hand size and thickness and todays market price.

say 6" x 10" x .25" =15 cubic inches
silver weighs 172 grams per cubic inch 15 x 172 = 2,580 grams
1 oz weighs 28.35 grams 2580grams / 28.35grams = 91 oz
Silver today is 25.40 per oz 91 x 25.40 = $2,311

Not too shabby in my book but I would see if it had any historical significance first. Who knows.

ps I think my math is right. If not someone correct me.
Well the mystery continues! Its not silver, its not steel in the normal sense, its not lead, its not pewter, what else could it be? Leftover material from when the aliens crashed? Platinum? lol
Looks similar to aluminum.
I remember seeing that back when we camped out a lot and tossed our 'Coke cans' into the fire.
Call around to the junk yards to see if they have an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) machine to give you an analysis of what it is.

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