There are all sorts of things that can go wrong, when you secure a "gratis place to hunt" via long distance telephone, so beware! I was refered to a guy in Colorado and he absolutely talked a great game. His dad had 2,000 acres, etc. etc. When we got out there with a tag for the unit(which has no public land), this guy was out-of-town, and whereabouts unknown. Also, some people told me that his dad did not have a place even large enough to hunt(maybe that's why I couldn't find him!). So we spent the money, got drawn, made the trip and never hunted! I just read about a guy who experienced something similar in Wyoming. Got permission from a rancher by phone, got his draw permit, and showed up only to discover that the ranch was in one unit and his permit was for another. To avoid such, I prefer either to pay to hunt, and make sure that all of the money doesn't change hands until you arrive, or put up with public land. While sometimes crowded, you at least know that you will have a place to hunt.