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Best choke tube for 3.5" 12 gauge.....

I have always shot a Kicks Gobbling Thunder in my 835. It does well. I am sure there are better ones I have just always stuck with this one. My dad shot a Rhino for years that done well for him now he is shooting an Indian Creek he is pleased with it. He also shoots a older 835. My brother shoots a Jelly Head in his Benelli that he really likes. Many combos to choose from. I would start by researching your gun and shell combinations. There is info out there to get you started down the right path.
I shoot a jelly head out of my 20 guage 870. It does well and shoots where I aim. I like the pattern out of my stoeger 3500 with an Indian creek, but the poi is different than the aiming point. Works fine but I have to use a red dot to dial it in.
Make, model, length of barrel and more importantly exact shell (size shot, duplex, triplex, etc) you plan to shoot, as well as typical distances you kill turkeys at will all help with finding a good fit for your exact situation. As far as brands go, I would personally recommend Kicks, Rhino and Indian Creek. I currently shoot an Indian Creek in my 870 SP and love it. This will make the fourth season using it and it has impressed me many times over, both on paper and in the woods.
I have used a primos jellyhead in my mossberg 835 since 97 and love it. It even takes some of the kick out of the ol mule.
I have a Mossberg 835 ulti mag short barrel. I shoot a rhino .680 and either Nitro Performance H517 or Hevi 13 #6shot. I really can't tell that much of difference in the H517 or the hevi shot.

In my SX3 for turkeys I shoot a kicks gobblin thunder and it is bad news for the juicey heads!
redblood said:
I use the longer waterfowl barrel as it grouped much better than the turke barrel- 28"
Much better as in how? More pellets? More dense of a pattern, less voids? POA/POI more in-line? Just wondering what exactly you meant? Generally speaking, longer barrel = more pellets etc, but I'll always take 25 less pellets for a 5" shorter gun in the turkey woods. My .02
Off Nitro's website

Mossberg 535 (12GA. 3.5")
Hevishot� Turkey Load With A .660 Extended Rhino Choke
or a Primos Jelly Head .660 Choke
H521 #4x5x7 or #2x5x7 Hevishot� 230-270 pellets

I've found Mag blends perform very similar
Generally speaking, I would go with a .660 or .665 constriction, regardless of the three name brand chokes I recommended or the shot size. If you know you will not shoot at a turkey over 45 yards (95% of the time), I'd probably go with .665 as I would rather under constrict than over constrict. Also, you could contact the choke supplier you go with, order both, pattern both with the exact shell you plan to use, keep the one you like, return the one you don't. I have done this a few times with Kicks and Indian Creek chokes.