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October is Love your clover month


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Jan 30, 2019
Cookeville, TN Cadiz, KY and random other places
Interseed, establish new, intro new varieties, lime and fertilize. I do it all and I love to target the first of October. I currently manage close to 30 acres of clover roadsides and 8 acres of clover plots and its growing. Well managed clover is an amazing source of food for wildlife and can be demanding to care for. Started interseeding today and adding varieties. Most clover here is largely ladino and I am (per a recent thread here) interseeding this year with 50% ladino, 30% arrowleaf and 20% crimson into my roadsides. I will also fertilizing with 0-30-30 next week plus some pelletized lime mixed in.

Late September / early October is a great time for great results so Mow it, spray it, interseed or establish, fertilize and lime it. You and the wildlife will love the results. JMHO
Looks great! Mowed mine this week & picking up fertilizer tomorrow. Good luck with the blend.
I got a ground driven cart from southern states coop in Cadiz. Pulled it around all day with my pickup. They mix my fertilizer in bulk so all I do is set the gate and drive. The toughest part is in and out between starts and stops.