Interesting appetizer


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2016
The other day I was a Sam's and seen a big box of Medjool dates, so I got one. I like the occasional date, but this is more than I can/should eat. I googled up some ideas for what to do with them and came across this recipe for an appetizer.

These are whole dates, so...
Remove the pit. I just cut off the end and sliced down one side... removed pit.
The recipe said to stuff with an almond, but I read in the reviews that some were using sliced/slivered almonds with good results, so I used sliced. Just kinda packed it full. Then, wrap with bacon. Recipe said to cook under a broiler, but a bunch of reviews said baking would produce a more evenly cooked I baked.

Ok....these aren't bad. I think the baking brings out some more sweetness in the dates, but not much. The gooey texture of the date is offset by the crunch of the almond. The sweetness is offset by the salty, smokey bacon. You kinda get a little bit each of gooey, crunchy, salty, and sweet. Just not a lot of anything. I will likely make them again as I have plenty of dates and I also stocked up on bacon while there. But...I don't think I would run out and buy the ingredients if I didn't already have them...just to make these.
Overall...kinda tasty. I could eat a few more.
Just don't think I would go out of my way to accumulate the ingredients if I didn't already have them.

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