I need a new stuffing recipe

green doe

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2003
I know it's a bit early but I'm thinking of Thanksgiving already. In the past, I've made excellent stuffing (actually dressing because I don't really stuff it in the turkey). But the past few years, I've lost my mojo.

Last time, I made apple and sausage stuffing and got a "I don't like meat in my stuffing" comment from sis-in-law.

What do y'all put in your stuffing? No oysters but any other suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

I usually use celery, poultry seasoning, home-cut bread cubes, grated carrot and apple. Beyond that, I'm looking for ideas.

Thanks in advance.

Trapper John

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 1999
No meat in the stuffing?! What kind of blasphemy is this?!

You pretty much covered what I toss in a dressing. I've added chestnuts before and they were nice. I can't eat them anymore because they'll kill me, but they tasted nice. Same with Pine nuts.

Taking out the sausage kind of limits things in my little world of dressing.

green doe

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2003
Actually, what she said was, with a frown on her face, "I don't like sausage in my stuffing but this is okay." If I had drunk another glass of wine, I might have thrown the bowl of it at her.

I was thinking about trying chestnuts. I haven't tried them before. I thought it might get too expensive, though. Not that I'm cheap. It's just with the ham and turkey and wine and all the other stuff, I spent well over $300 on the meal last time and I had my sis-in-law comment on the stuffing and her husband say, "Don't make the green beans because no one will eat them anyway."

I have a limit!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
Adirondack Mtns, NY
My mother saute's the turkey liver and gizzards in butter,onions and mushrooms. Then she hand minces all of it and mixes it into the stuffing. She stuffs the bird and makes extra in a baking pan.

I will get the exact recipe if you would like, it is the best I have ever had IMHO.


green doe

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2003
I would take the recipe, but if they couldn't handle sausage, I don't think they would appreciate gizzards. Thanks anyways, though.

Trapper John

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 1999
Dried cranberries?

I called my aunt because you made me curious about stuffing/dressing additives. Apparently she uses dried cranberries in addition to apples.

I always wondered what those little red things were but I was too afraid to ask.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
Adirondack Mtns, NY

Mom make the good stuff for us that like it all and a small dish for the wimps. (ya know, no onions, meat, etc) LOL

Why should the whole suffer for the few..................


green doe

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2003
Dried cranberries sound good. Thanks, TJ. Too afraid to ask...lol! Thanks for calling your aunt.

Fulldraw, I am afraid that the wimp dish would be large and I would be the only one eating from the good dish. My in-laws have such a strange relationship with food. I grew up eating adventurously but this family...they're hopeless. One won't eat onions, one won't eat fish or seafood or anything that might look like such, one won't eat horseradish or anything mustardy, one kid will literally only eat the mashed potatoes...everyone of them has some hangup. I have no idea what is wrong with them.

But get me with my family and we're cooking up bear, scallops, stuffed jalapenos, and all the good stuff. Too bad they all live so far away and my in-laws are in town.

The only reason I offer to cook all the holiday meals for my in-laws is because with their weird food phobias, what they prepare is, well, canned or boxed. I take pride in getting them to eat shallots and leeks and cremini mushrooms and stuff that is perfectly harmless, delicious, and what they would normally refuse to eat.

Am I a food snob? Nah. One of my favorite Thanksgiving dishes is green bean casserole with canned soup and canned fried onions. But I'm making it with fresh ingredients this year. I'll see if they turn their nose up at it.

Thanks for the suggestions. If there are any more, let me know!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
Adirondack Mtns, NY
O yeah, gbean casarole.........love it.

My Mom always hosts the holidays, mostly her side of the family. Dad's side is scattered across the country.

Mom offers open house also, it includes all the single friends or family friends that have no place to go. One yr. we had 28 people sitting at the table saying grace. It is a good time always no matter if it is 10 of us or 30.

The best yr was when she invited both my brother's and my ex-girlfriend's for the meal, talk about open house. LOL


green doe

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2003
Thanks, stovepipe!

No ketchup, mustard or mayo on hamburgers? That is weird!

And for your wife to make 3 different stuffings...she's a saint.

I'm gonna try a cornbread dressing recipe this coming week to test it for Thanksgiving. I've never had it before but I'm hungry in anticipation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2007
Hope the cornbread dressing turns out. So, you were thinking about chestnuts? We have a huge chestnut tree in the corner of our backyard. Wonder if there is a way I could send you a big boxfull! :)

Country Fried

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Right behind my man!
green doe said:
My in-laws have such a strange relationship with food. I grew up eating adventurously but this family...they're hopeless. One won't eat onions, one won't eat fish or seafood or anything that might look like such, one won't eat horseradish or anything mustardy, one kid will literally only eat the mashed potatoes...everyone of them has some hangup. I have no idea what is wrong with them.

Thanks for the suggestions. If there are any more, let me know!

I suggest you leave the in-laws to fend for themselves and go to your family's gathering this year! Maybe you can adventure together to discover a completely different taste for your stuffing...I mean dressing. ;)

It makes me crazy when people are picky and turn their noses up at food. I was raised to be thankful for food to eat. period.

My mom makes two different kinds of dressing. One with white bread, one with corn bread. Both have lots of onions and celery and some sage. I think that's all. I've never gotten tired of it. I would consider myself an adventurous eater so when you whip up something great, send the recipe my way.
Happy Cooking!

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