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Better Late Than Never


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
McNairy County
Been a tough season for me. Have been out of town a bunch and most of my hunts have been 45 minutes before work. I haven't given up though and was rewarded for that this morning. Had one of the best 2-3 hunts of my life this morning. I heard more drumming in an hour this morning than I've heard in the rest of my hunting experience combined. Had to move on these birds 3 times before finally getting a shot at one of them. Had them close enough to shoot two other times but never could get a clean shot at them. Finally went for broke about 10 minutes before I just had to give up and leave and it worked. Probably heard 100+ ground gobbles in 2 hours this morning. Sorry for the bad picture. I refused to be late for SS and church today.