Number 1 down


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Story after church, prolly the smallest 2yo I've ever killed, but still proud to take one of these south MS gobblers

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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Made it back from the beach yesterday eve.... been chomping at the bit to get back out after the loudmouth boss Ethan and I almost got Tues morn. Hit the lease, no fresh tracks in the road, good sign they didn't get pressured the opening 2 days I missed. Checked the sign in shed, confirmed noone had hunted since I had been in there Tues.

Listened for 15 min at the sign in shed, then drove 1.5 miles to the area the boss was roosted Tues. Nothing talking, so I eased down a bushhogged dummy line road on the side of the drain the bird worked away from us. Sat there calling occasionally till 720, not a peep. I figured birds should be on the ground with perfect conditions this am, so I eased 200yds through the plantation pines toward a food plot on a gas pipeline. Set up again, no response. I jake yelped, and this bird hammered 125yds away across the pipeline. He ignored me for the next several minutes, so I gambled on repositioning where I could just barely see the plot. Got him to respond again to Jake yelps, then he finally answered a hen call, only now I realized he wasn't on the ground as the last gobble was clear as a bell from the trees across the plot. He had turned to face me. I shut up, then heard him crashing through the timber flying down to the plot at 745. His 4 hens pitched in at 750, then the 4 ladies walked him right to me. I cackled to get him to break strut, he reflex gobbled, then stuck his head up.... night night. Dead at 755.

About 35 yds, my new 20g with 9 TSS. Prolly 10 or 15 pellets in the top of the breasts, I suppose because of the light groundcover I shot through. Oh well, he's in the brine solution and going on the smoker in a couple hours.

I tried to get the terrain in the background of the selfie. Ideal habitat to call them in close without them being able to see you.

I don't have scales to weigh here, but I'd estimate he was 15lbs, 1/2in spurs, and only 7in beard.

Best news is my boss gobbler is probably still around with his 10 hens unless he got shot off the property.

Never heard another peep or shotgun blast during my short time in the woods.

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